Critical Stun Reset glitch..? (350+ DMG)

Sly Galen the Brute Ghosty-Bomb: Chaotic Kevid Edition
Galen the Ghosty-Bomb
@Jin Masters - It's not that it's a terrible stun, it's the fact that it actually resets the critical stun motion. Stun games are ok. Resetting the critical stun threshold is not. I don't consider this a stun game if it bypasses the point where it's suppose to drop. I know you can avoid this setup but it's the fact that it's there.

@Brute - Told you, there's one for hayabusa as well but did hayate because his put out the most damage for it.

@Ghosty-J - LOL
Great find indeed but!!!!! 3f+k is a terrible stun(very easy to stagger escape) and all that does is make hayate have to continue to play the stun game. As a hayate player I don't like it. But w/e cool find Galen
My hatred for Hayate has increased to INFINITY levels. Boring turd <_<;
I told people who play as ninja are scum. Now do yall see the BS I be talking about?
I love these glitches. Nice job finding it!


Oct 6, 2013 at 11:49 AM
Posted by DestructionBomb
I've been toying around in 5U training mode and encountered this. Someone has to fix it.

There's one for Hayabusa & Ayane as well.
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