DEATH BATTLE! - Ryu Hayabusa VS Strider Hiryu

WTF Ryu has a Plasma sword, So why didn't they put that in the fight?????
Give Ryu Hayabusa a sword that can cut through anything and see Who'd win then.
That match was rigged, Hayabusa should've won.
Well Awsemic Screwattack made a post saying they screwed up goku vs superman really hard and after reanalyzing goku would actually beat superman but just not superman prime THOUGH for this video I agree with you 100% its fucking bullshit
Typo: *If Superman went against Vegeta*
Goku vs. Superman was understandle. The underlying factor there was the personality flaw. If Goku went against Vegeta under the same conditions as Goku, Vegeta would've finished him off 3 minutes earlier when he had the chance, because his compassion doesn't hold him back.

Now, in the case of Hayabusa vs. Hiryu, Screwattack definitely screwed this up. Hayabusa had no chance to go to his own menu as Hiryu did, so he was practically at a handicap and not on a level playing field. This death battle should have ended in a draw, if not slightly in Hayabysa's favor.
Saw this months ago and this shit was so biased against Strider, and no im not just saying this cuz im a Hayabusa fan, they screwed this shit up just like they did with goku vs superman


Sep 19, 2013 at 4:00 PM
Posted by BLAZE
Episode 28 - Ninja Gaiden VS Strider! The duel to see who is gaming's deadliest ninja!

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