DOA5(PS3®) FINALLY a Great Rig Online!! S Ranked vs A Ranked. Rig WINS.

Uugh, I can't fight with babies......

Anyway......shoutout to the Rig. Again good props. I celebrate victory, not calculate pixels.
Keep playing. DOA FTW.
I'm not referring to win/loss. I'm referring to the title of the video. You titled " FINALLY a Great Rig Online" and I saw nothing he did with Rig that made him a great Rig player. Not one useful tool, besides him spamming 6kk the entire match and you not catching on once.. Take the criticism and comments or don't post videos =/

The combo's he did were "ok", but nothing special considering Rig gets a guaranteed launcher from all his unholdable stuns, he can also chain some of his sit down stuns for a guaranteed CB combo, but this player used none of them. Meaning. the combo's he did were just ok because you didn't bother to slow escape or hold out of them.
On another note....good juggles to the Rig. Mucho props.
A win is a win. Had no idea wins had to be won a "certain way" for it to be...'legitimate'.
I'm going to be honest. I saw nothing impressive from either players. The Lisa kept doing downed attacks for reasons unknown. The Rig player is beginner at best, all I seen was 6kk, and doesn't seem like he/she could control him that well. Not really utilizing his BND or turning cut leg stance at. Geez, any and everyone is just uploading anything..

Both players need training.


Jan 30, 2013 at 12:19 AM
Posted by NameSource
FINALLY.....I fight my first GOOD Rig. I barely lost but now I believe in him as a fighter! Good win!
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