Hayate Teleport vs Wake up Kicks

i do the same thing than you @samuraihachi but with Rig (my main)
I always think lot of things need to be know about lot of character this is the proof that we can show lot of things again in DOA5LR :)
Nice hayate tech ! im not an hayate expert but if you do 3k you can have a sds on opponent crouch right ;)

With rig i use 4P+k bending stance to whiff punish some rising kick low its an tech very hard to use at the begining because the range is hard to find but with lot of practice its an very good tech too ;)
yeah his teleport is definitely underused. Almost no one uses the teleport so I've been trying to find more stuff with it. Rojikku also found a teleport combo with Hayate in the Home stage last month, I think.
He's an honestly under-rated character. He's the Naomi (WWE) of DoA ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

He STILL has so many guarantees after the vanilla massacre that's it's amazing
Hayate players in general have deemed his teleport as garbage, which is silly.
To this day, I haven't seen anyone do this kind of stuff. They typically end juggles into his FT/Unholdable set ups. But I really enjoy seeing this type of tech. Maybe people don't use it because they don't know about it yet.


Jul 31, 2016 at 4:23 PM
Posted by samuraihachi
Dunno if this is old tech or not, but I've been trying to find ways how to make Hayate's teleport more useful in a match. Everything after the 3K is guaranteed. The last option isn't exactly practical, but hey it looks so freaking cool :p
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