Why I think Genra would be a great addition to doa5LR

I understand the idea of projectiles in doa is a daunting thing for many people, but I say give it a chance.
Genra is fulfilling precisely because of how two sided things are with him, at range he's great, throw is monstrous, but he struggles heavily at close range, making defense a huge part of playing him. He's a character that requires a lot of thought, and I really enjoyed that. Even up close though, he's not defenseless, his 13f mid is really really good.
I'm all for Genra's moveset to come back as long as it's not the Genra we know (whatever inheritor could take it, Donovan, whoever), and as long as he brings an unique individuality (long-range projectiles/slow short-range attacks buffed by a useful mid-ranger sword stance). But Genra himself (a.k.a Ayane's reborn foster father) isn't interesting. Also, give him new throws.
That's because the approach is often given no real thought during the course of its design, and certain elements are simply buffed/nerfed to justify its existence as an afterthought to make it a unique entity. In the case of Alpha, you have a character with a very simple design principle -- She hits you first, you die. You hit her first, she dies. This is the entirety of her game and any unique traits your own character might possess are immediately absorbed into this meta due to its extreme nature.

Her meta runs the matchup regardless of your own characters kit. And it's balanced, yet at the same time entirely stupid. In the case of Genra there is admittedly a similar setup -- his own gimmick is so entirely empowering that his personal meta will control the pace of the match, whether its in his favor or not. The underlying difference between Genra and Alpha is one of fundamentals and second chances. When the Alpha train starts raining down on you, it's very difficult to recover. Projectiles are more forgiving -- they aren't taking out half your lifebar because you screwed up once. It's a more drawn out fight, which makes it far easier to digest and even enjoy when its thrust upon you.

Of course, I would also support a Genra that focused less on projectiles and more on swordplay. I feel that would be something of a lost opportunity because it just falls into the category of character who does move, then transitions into stance to capitalize on a stun or frame trap. We have plenty of those. But either way, he needs swag. He had more swag than any DOA character in history and without swag he is simply not Genra. There is a certain cool factor standard that has to be upheld. Cool enough that I would argue its worth building a design philosophy around.
I suppose I'm not as optimistic about "good character implementation." The shoddy side of the oh-so-novel-character approach in DOA of course is Alpha, which I would be more than happy without, and the solution to "fixing" that would involve equalization (a process that seems truly pointless). Theoretically the "great here / garbage there" dynamic is intriguing, but pragmatically the approach rarely seems to work out well.
DOA honestly doesn't have enough snipers so this would be a welcome addition. Good character implementation allows the player to approach a fight with their given preference. Attacking from long range and playing zone control isn't really a preference for many characters in DOA, and certainly not to this extent. Genra would be great for this.

Of course, some people are not good at zone control and would cry bloody murder because they can't just rock paper scissors the person to death. Way I see it for proper balance you'd need projectiles putting up a gauntlet for most of the match to keep people out, and the sword stance spinning as a last resort to deflect any potential get-in attacks. The sword stance takes time to set up so its a pretty big gamble.

Once they get in, he needs to have the absolute slowest attacks in the game so he is at a very clear disadvantage. Close range should be bad, bad, bad news for Genra.
Projectiles work on this character because he is hilariously slow. He is a spacer that destroys other spacers, but gets equally wrecked up close. I like the formula.
Those type of projectiles would break the shit out of this game more than you think Christie already does.
I see reasons that make him unique among the DOA characters, but absolutely none that make me want him in the game. All the things you highlighted are things that I absolutely do not want in DOA.

I realize it's personal preference and all, but I was hoping to watch a video that convinced me he would be a good addition. All I saw was the opposite.
@raika-snow KT and TN would end up in serious trouble if that happened lol
nyo genra, now with 50% more tits and 50% less fun.
While this is interesting, if Genra ever became released into a future DOA, I'm almost certain his projectiles will be nerfed to near nonviable levels.
I am not expecting anything sir, I am just not giving up, I am fully aware that the chances of Genra being put into the game are low, but as long as it is not 0% I am not stopping.
an stance like Maxi in Soulcalibur could be interesting :)
You know the definition of Insanity is attempting the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome, that's what your doing with this Genra obsession.


Mar 4, 2016 at 12:05 AM
Posted by SilverForte
Just a basic summary about what makes genra so unique to the doa universe, and why he should be included in doa5lr/doa6. Hope to get this out to the community and team ninja. Thanks for watching.
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