Mila Comeback Stance (Idea)

It's a cool idea but as DB pointed out they won't most likely won't do this and she honestly doesn't need anything like this since she's fine as is. I do appreciate the concept though.
I do believe they won't do this for the following reasons.

1) The first one grants a "sitdown" stun, which can potentially give Mila a guaranteed setup or deep stun for free or a launch after the deep stun. This one has to be severely negative on block to grant such a thing. Let's not make Mila worse now lol.

2) Isn't that the GB kick that grants +3? yeah they not going to do that. All special wake ups attacks should at least have a special disadvantage to them. If that's +3, then that special wake up kick should be at least -3 or removing the GB property. I mean I see no point since that's a mid kick anyway, might as well toss the universal WU mid kick (Unless you want to keep the GB property, which probably won't happen. Eliot has something to this except his GB Wake up attack is light negative and safe.)

3) She already has this doesn't she? this gives the player an extra option and leads to too many guesses from the wake up situation. Brad is reasonable because he's a slower character overall and his does not have any follow-up mount punches for doing this, Mila should definitely have a mount but not on both positions lol, come now.

I'm sure animation wise it would look cool. Maybe something DOA6 related but I doubt this will happen on a DOA6 game either unless they change the entire meta drastically.
That's called a special wakeup attack, which is fine but why in the hell does she need three?


Feb 26, 2016 at 1:56 PM
Posted by KwonJigglypuff
A little buff for Mila.
If it's done properly, it could allow Mila to quickly come back and reverse the situation.
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