DOA5LR Ein 1K Force tech setups

@Radiance, you bring up an excellent point. Honestly, its really more about preference. I usually look out for 1k opportunities to help me get in so I can force them back up and continue the pressure. Since Ein's got plenty of ways to set up the force-tech, it makes it more difficult for the opponent to predict.

@King, indeed they do. Though most, including myself tend to miss out on 1k opportunities. Which is why I made this video to list out all the possibru setups I can think of.

@Brute, yeah Ein's got it pretty good. He still struggles but he has a lot going for him.

@Darkslay, thanks bro.
I think every Ein player knows about this force tech. Hitomi can do the same thing as well.
I think the knock down is great if your opponent is anticipating a launcher, but why not go for 33P+G throw instead if it comes to that and take the max damage? If I get teched up and guess right looking at the setup's he's getting punished. 2F+K is one of those lows that you can react to. My 2 cents but it's usable.
This is why I always laugh when people say that Ein has weak strings or oki.
This is amazing. Such tech, dat Persona, much wow.


Jan 10, 2016 at 10:51 AM
Posted by samuraihachi
Been messing around with Ein's 1K. This video is meant to shed some light on using his 1K force-tech. These are all the setups I can think of but if you know more, please let me know.
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