Konami Completely Fucks Over Hideo Kojima at the Game Awards

I generally can always rely on Alpha to tell it like it is to bullshitters that deserve it. Him and Angry Joe have epic rants. I'm so pissed off at Konami this year.
Honestly, I expected Angry Joe to be the first YouTuber to rant about this in entertaining fashion... but AOS is doing a fine job himself.
I know Konami has gone up Shit's Creek all year, but this is the last straw for me. You don't fuck over the person responsible for arguably your biggest franchise.
oh wow... the CEO fucked Konami really hard. He's going to leave when they cant pay him and Konami wont be able to bounce back from that bullshit.


Dec 6, 2015 at 5:23 AM
Posted by Force_of_Nature
AlphaOmegaSin rants about Konami screwing over Hideo Kojima at the Video Game Awards last night. Hideo Kojima had every intention of being at the Video Game Awards but a Konami lawyer said he would not be allowed to travel to the ceremony to accept any awards. As AlphaOmegaSin will always say Fuck Konami.


Background music from International Victory Goal on Sega Saturn

Alpha does tend to go on some monster rants, but this one is fully justified. Konami is more or less on my "Do not buy from list" currently populated by EA & Activision, also making it the only Japanese company on that list.
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