Top Tier Tips: Session #6 HANDLING NEGATIVE FRAMES (I.e. Not Mashing)

Well that's good! Glad to see that I'm on the right track and that you enjoy them! =)
You're welcome! Also the sessions are not very difficult to understand thus far (I've watched all of them now) because you provide good examples and I've got good knowledge of the game already. I'm looking forward to future sessions and I hope I'll be able to learn new stuff. :)
You mean you weren't subbed already @KING JAIMY?!!! O_O Haha, It's cool buddy! Thanks for the support dude =). I will warn you that it only gets more complex from here in out.
Nice tutorial once again, Force. Oh and I subbed you on YouTube because your videos are really fun to watch! ^^
@Yurlungur The session isn't "Handling Negative Frames with LeiFang" -_-
why deal with mids and jabs when you have shoulders AHUHUHUHU
Ah, thanks for the tip. I know about the shortcuts but generally don't use them because I use a PS4 pad and get them accidently too often by hitting the giant touchpad in the middle of the controller.
a tips for your future training to earn time, you can do select+2 to make opponent ia guard in reaction and action ;)


Sep 25, 2015 at 6:07 PM
Posted by Force_of_Nature
A stream held on Sept. 25th on the 6th Top Tier Tips session going over and elaborating on sections of the "Book of Destruction" by legendary DOA player XDest. It's an amazing read, I definitely recommend a look!

2:58 Foci for When You're At + Frames
25:37 Foci for When You're At - Frames

For Directional Notation:

7 8 9

4 5 6

1 2 3

Each number represents the corresponding direction. 1 for "Down-Back", 9 for "Up-Forward", 5 for "Neutral" or no input, etc. Quarter-Circle Back = 214, Quarter-Circle Forward = 236, Half-Circle Back = 63214, Half-Circle Forward = 41236, etc.

For Input commands:

P = Punch
K = Kick
H = Hold/Guard Button
T = Throw Button
P+K = Strong punch
H+K = Strong Kick
H+P = Alternate Way to Input "Throw"

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE & RATE for more DOA goodness! And also look out for future Top Tier Tips' sessions! ;-)

Previous Top Tier Tips Sessions:

Top Tier Tips novice guide:

-- Was live at

*Note Unfortunately the link to the "Book of Destruction" I used doesn't work anymore. If anyone has a link to it, that would be very helpful!
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