DoA5 (Xbox 360) Akira (Galen The Wise) Vs. Jann Lee (Random) Lobby match

TN better not do some stupid shit like nerfing his good tools. >:-(
I need a arcade stick so I can master Akira.
No. I never make lobby names. I guess I could put something stupid like "What're you insaiyan?" Something retarded like that. Props to anybody that knows what I'm referencing.
Cool, i'll keep an eye out. You got a usual name for your lobby?
Unless I go out tonight, I will be.
Indeed it is. Everyone that has never touched Akira in VF is saying "His knee is the hardest move." I'm just like waiiiit...................... What?
Agreed on the 'easy in comparison' quote. Pulling off 3 knees in a single combo has a never gets old charm to it, doesn't it? ;)
Then I guess I'm a noob cuz I used to have trouble with it all the time lol. But I'll try your method.
It's to be honest pathetically easy in comparison to its VF counter part.
Bind the 'A' button as guard and 'B' button as K then just slide whatever finger you use across those two buttons like you're lighting a match.
Is there an easy way to do Akira's knee launcher?
Yeah, he's a monster in this game. So much damage and pressure. It's great.
Yeah I know GBoD, just didn't mention :p I play Akira in FS, but struggle to use him in DoA. The different properties of his moves gives him a greater combo potential in this game that I don't fully exploit.
You forgot about the GBoD. Those are the three tough ones. And nope. I have it, but I don't play it. I wish I could ._.
You seem to have a good handle on akira's tougher to execute moves (knee, SPoD.) Do you play VF5FS?


Jun 19, 2013 at 3:53 AM
Posted by Incognito
Lobby match.
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