Well its beacause that would be in the highest quality(but would still be in 480i due ram and processor issues) and along with full screen and this was almost an hour long video...
19GB for a fucking 240p video with broken widescreen, WTF? You must be doing something terribly wrong with the settings, most probably encoding in lossless/uncompressed mode, if you can't remove such setting I suggest you to change completely video editing software, my recommendations are Sony Vegas or Shotcut but you can find more here:
Yes anyone can have multiple options and yes they can be unpractical sometimes. But I believe that including the other options along with the more damaging options is more beneficial than just including the damaging ones only.

I wasn't able to export it fullscreen because it would have taken up more space than I had on my laptop. I had 14GB of space and full screen export would have taken 19GB I believe.
Anyone can chain random strings together and get "multiple options", but 99% of them will be unoptimal and should never be used if there are better ones... shouldn't a video dedicated about combos only show the "better ones"?

I don't understand your full screen problem, are you saying that the program would've required too much time to encode/render/export without the black borders?
Well I included multiple optio ns from the same launcher/environmental option to show players almost everything on Mila is capable of doing from that opportunity. And I could have made the project full screen but the project was rather long and I wouldn't be able to export it if it was full screen.
Can I ask what's the purpose of including so many options using the same exact launcher vs the same character&environment? Can't you just keep the best and discard the inferior options? Like in this example, 6 freaking followups? https://a.pomf.se/jmbxja.mp4

Also, the black borders around the video are a waste of quality, be more careful next time, you may need to match the video editor's project settings width and height with the sizes of the actual clips.
@KokobaeBeAKilla Thanks! I don't know about this being a masterpiece though xD.
@Gill Hustle The Roxio can support resolutions higher than 480p but unfortunately I use a laptop with a poor processor and RAM so I can't go higher than 480p. Also this all from PS3 so unfortunately I can't play music and play games at the same time.
@KokobaeBeAKilla Thanks! I don't know about this being a masterpiece though xD.
@Gill Hustle The Roxio can support resolutions higher than 480p but unfortunately I use a laptop with a poor processor and RAM so I can't go higher than 480p. Also this all from PS3 so unfortunately I can't play music and play games at the same time.
Hmm Does the Roxio support resolution higher than 480p? I used to use Pinnacle back in the day and remember being stuck with composite input only (even tho they tried to say HD as if)

Anywayz you seem like you got the hang of it but I'd say getting at least 720p would be great.

Also I'm not sure what system you recorded from but I am the type to use custom music. So a good tip I'd offer for 360 is to hit the guide button select a random song and pause. That way the game audio (voices and effects) still record and layer a soundtrack over them.

Any other system just go to options and turn down game music, for example:
Wow, I might go pick up Mila after this....this MASTERPIECE!
@Yuna Thanks! Glad to see I could help.
@Gill Hustle Thanks! I recorded this with a Roxio Game Capture HD Pro and used Pinnacle Studio 17 Ultimate to edit.
Glad somebody took the time to do this.

What are you recording with btw.
LOVE that intro. Thanks for this, now I can upgrade my basic Mila!


Mar 18, 2015 at 7:50 PM
Posted by JusTheBest29
Jesus this thing is finally done. Thanks for waiting all of this time, I know I've been promising this for a very long time. This guide is to show players most(if not everything) Mila is capable of combo-wise in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. Hopefully this guide can teach Mila users something new and inspire players to find new things with other characters. Note: Most of the footage was captured in Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate but everything is applicable in Last Round.

Sections: 0:21 Guaranteed Stuff
1:05 BnB's
1:43 Level 1 Combos
3:53 Level 2 Combos
15:56 Critical Burst Setups
18:47 Level 3 Combos
36:52 Power Launcher Combos
39:21 Wallsplats
42:53 Stage Combos
52:29 Credits

Songs Used: Reveal Trailer Theme - Persona 5
Alexandrite II (Makoto's Theme) - BlazBlue Chronophantasma
Jazzy NYC '99 (Alex & Ken Stage) - Street Fighter III
TJ Combo's Theme - Killer Instinct (2013)
Main Theme - Punch Out!! Wii
Ignition - Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
Play My Ass Off - Anarchy Reigns
Fighting of the Spirits - Tales of Symphonia
Just Awake - Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Main Theme - Persona 4 Arena Ultimax
Jin Kazama's Theme - Tekken 3
Brock Lesnar's Entrance Theme - WWE
Seeker of Truth - Persona 4 Arena (Ultimax)
Street (TJ Combo's Stage) - Killer Instinct 2
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