Embrace the Delay: Basic Strikes - Get Ready Fight #1

Isn't that the translator guy? Anyways this looks like its going to be very informative as well as inspirational to new people.
Lol, So Many P's O_O! But we gotta start somewhere right? It pretty much shows what it's like to teach someone that has basically just picked up the game. I like the focus on "not mashing", and learning how to chain parts of a string. Obviously the "combo" is far from optimal, but other than that the only suggestion I'd make is like Jaimy said, to use H-cancels after each string (though I'm sure free cancels are coming in a later tutorial). I'm looking forward to future tutorial segments!
I like this. Finally an OFFICIAL tutorial. This was on my list in the "We can get there but..." Thread. We got streams as well. Now we need or would be nice to have a Tekken Crash type of thing.

Advice? Add low volume background music to make it feel more alive.
My feedback:

This video is quite helpful for newer players. The good thing about this video is that it teaches newer people not to mash and let them learn about delaying your movestrings. Even though the combo advice is not practical (almost all strikes are highs so there's a good chance you will get held somewhere in between), it teaches the newer players the basics of striking your opponent.

I also suggest using H-cancel to cancel your string immediately so you don't have to wait until the string's active frames end. On the other hand, that tactic is quite advanced so it may indeed be a good thing to start off with just waiting and delaying.


Feb 3, 2015 at 9:27 AM
Posted by CFW
Team NINJA members Peter and Brianna introduce basic strikes and combos in Dead or Alive 5 Last Round. Can Brianna pull off a 12-hit combo?

00:38 Basic strikes
01:37 10-hit combo
03:22 12-hit combo

Thoughts? Reactions? Requests? Drop us a note in the comments section!


Get Ready Fight is a series by Team NINJA that breaks down the systems in their fighting game Dead or Alive so that anyone can have fun punching someone in the face. Lapsed fighter? Never tried a fighting game before? Start here. Get ready... Fight!

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