Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate - Advanced Tips

Its fine good sir, his wording just seemed Wonky to me.
@DoANoob I posted the individual character tips. Good stuff
@intelligent Alpha "Universal Tri-Angle system" that's a face palm. its its a triangle system. Its not "Universal" for all of DoA with unholdables, OHs and so forth. Universal if stretched could also mean the tri-angle system features on way or another in every other game.
@KM: Yes, it is, very basic; however, the basics are ignored when you figure out how to be a combo-whore! Again, I ask, why do folks hate fighting my Alpha? It's those strong fundamentals, but you can combo-fuck her; therefore, her fundamentals (my fundamental approach playing as her) is no issue. How does the advance stuff have more importance if you aren't fundamentally grounded first? I can do more than the fundamental stuff, but I don't abandon them because I can! KWIM?
There's more tips from Prima Games involving Mila, Ein, and Momiji.


Nov 11, 2014 at 11:30 PM
Posted by DoANoob
This Prima Games video takes a look at Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate.
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