I didn't noticed that... He's new to Eliot and he wants to use him as his main.
(off topic) Correct me if I am wrong but you're on Xbox right? I remember I've fought you once or twice on a lobby...
That... Looks like an AI Eliot. Not to say it is, but he's fighting exactly like an AI... In every aspect.
the error on sharing on PSN has been going on and for awhile now. As I remember that was the same error code that I have encountered on xbox last month (it took 2 days for Microsoft to fixed the said error)
Wait, I just realized you're on xbox. Guess microsoft doesn't have this issue.
Hold on a sec, PSN fixed the share to Facebook option? I remember I tried to sign in to Facebook a few days ago and the error code (80710a06) was still there.


Nov 9, 2014 at 5:52 AM
Posted by LordBrightman
offline match with a friend (Tricks002/Eliot), I was able to do a long combo on the 5th round
I apologize for the low quality video. I only used the "Share to Facebook" feature in DOA5U and re-uploaded it on Youtube.
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