PS4版『デッド オア アライブ 5 ラストラウンド』ヒトミが水着で……【スマホで撮るTGS 2014】

Oh crap, I mean unlock it...
Did you guys realize that you can already select Hitomi's Player's Swimsuit? You could not buy this in 5U sooo.... Does this mean all DLC is available on PS4?
How many people played this with the intent to lose just to zoom in on lose pose tits? ._. Nice to finally see a vid of someone picking a new stage though
So uh... Zack's 214P and 4H+K....
Chill the FUCK out! All you need to do is NOT pick it! smh, the logic.
I like Hitomi's short hair :(
rachel is gonna be fucking dumb here
Wow...When looking at the teaser it looked nice, but looking at Hitomi's short hair now.....slight disappointment
Wtf????!!!!! if they are giving Hitomi a short hair style at least make it look nice!!!! wtf TN???? -.- i keep getting more disappointed!
hitomi's hair is soooooo UGLY lol why she do dat to herself gurrrrrl
Yes, it's a multi-tier stage! :D Danger Zone is looking better than ever!
TN should let us get acces to this stage on DOA5U on special events.
Sweet Christmas, that stage looks hella awesome.
Actually maybe not. Instead of wallbouncing we have ground bounce.


Sep 19, 2014 at 8:51 AM
Posted by Vigoorian King
東京ゲームショウ 2014で試遊可能な『デッド オア アライブ 5 ラストラウンド』のプレイの様子をスマホで撮って出し。髪型に注目! (胸揺れは1分過ぎから)
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