TV vs Gaming Monitor Delay

Most TV's nowadays have a game mode that can kill lag. A lot of the Panasonics actually have low if not nonexistent input lag. That Said I do use a monitor for my offline setup and it was much faster than my old TV(32in Vizio).
NVM the monitor won, of course. It seems the TV ADS's (Aim Down Sights) faster but the monitor's bullet hit first.
I used some Samsung 2ms G2G , that had nearly 15ms of Input lag that broke , but b4 that i did bulk of my Pro E-sports FPS PC gaming on CRT Viewsonic Professional grade monitor which had 0 input lag , perfect response and 120 refresh , walk into any BestBuy you won't finding anything that flawless but for games these days I'm way to casual and play on a 120hz 60Inch gimmick of a TV from LG , when i have my PS4/PS3/Wii U powered up . Soon to pick up BenQ's XL2720G ( drops sometime early 2015) to return to my PC Roots .
That is what I meant when I said delay. I should have said "input lag." The disparity between when your console/computer knows something (inputs) and when it is actually showing that information to you. You bring up a very good point, though. This is why most people don't focus on the input lag since it isn't put out into the forefront in regards to marketing. That is because most people don't play games that require very precise timing. Let's be honest, a 0.07s discrepancy in input is not even worth mentioning to most consumers.

That being said, do you use a monitor, Geo?
also the delay you're seeing in the video is another misconception on response time & refresh rate which have minimal importance in the bigger picture ... this delay is "mostly" based on input lag and no gaming flat panel'd VA / IPS / TFT / or consumer high branded LEDS/LCDs/Plasama manufactures display the input lag details on their products , super nerdy review sites like tomshardware / blurbusters / displaylag tend to have charts that you need to pick the best monitor for your needs
lol you dont compare 80hz on a Monitor to a TV , two separate marketing terms used independently of one another consumer misconception
Personally, I'm scoping out the 24'' LED monitor is the 0.01s response time and 144Hz refresh rate. Full HD.
$250 which is around 130 or so Euro.
Take my TV, as an example. I have a 32' Sony Bravia. 120Hz 1080P display. Response time is 0.08s.

A $150 Asus monitor VS247H-P, 24', 80Hz 1080P, has a response time of 0.02s.

That is 0.02s compared to my 0.08s. Yes, the frequency is less but considering consoles don't play games higher than 60fps, 80Hz is more than enough.
Cheap TV vs toy monitor ,come on now man , on a 1500 euro LG tv the response is fine ...


Aug 29, 2014 at 8:36 AM
Posted by His Reverence
Found this video on Youtube.

This is actually very important and is a great example of the difference response latency makes.

Will buy a monitor soon.
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