DOA5U Bayman H+K Limbo Stun Combo Video by UprisingJC

There are ways to control your stance. A parry should always reset your stance, so if you can create a situation where you parry someone and then use the advantage afterwards... yea.

Of course the stun off of H+K is really good anyway, and excellent for baiting holds safely as if they do nothing they fall over and you can maintain pressure instead of getting popped in the face. Should be using it a good amount.

To achieve a limbo stun with H+K, you need to be in a closed stance with your opponent.
This is an example of a closed stance.

and this is an open stance.
you guarantee it by using it when you and your opponent are in the right stance. which sounds like a pain in the ass. oh well even if it doesn't limbo you still get in a strong stun
is there any way to guarantee a limbo stun with H+K after stunning ?
My success rate of performing a limbo stun with H+K is < 50%, seems like I can't find out the logic of it.
Stun -> 7P -> H+K?
Causing a limbo stun with H+K has something to do with your stance and your opponent's.
Ah, thanks for the feedback. Looks like either a re-make or some description on this vid is necessary.
Note its actually a universal combo, and it deals more damage than the middleweight one listed. The 3K just has slight timing on lighter weights as per usual. With heavy weights+ its basically a no-timing combo.
Super heavy weights like Rachel you will want to use

H+K 8PP 3K 2T 22T


Aug 2, 2014 at 6:02 AM
Posted by UprisingJC
H+K - 236P - 4P6K - 66P - 3K - 2T - 22T(Alpha-152)

H+K - 7P - 7P(Holdable) - DASH - 236P - 66P - 33P - 3K - 2T - 22T(Alpha-152)

H+K - 9K - 4P6K - 3K - 2T - 22T(Lightweight)

H+K - 9K - 33P - 3K - 2T - 22T(Middleweight)

H+K - 9K - 66P - 3K - 2T - 22T(Heavyweight)

H+K - 4P+K - 9P3P+KT(All)
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