DOA5U Akira(Me) vs Hayabusa(Gurimmjaw)

Good stuff man. Keep it up. Nice tags, btw lolz.
Good match here. Looks like another character who set ups i'll have break down now lol.
Hayabusa + Akira = Epic. Lol, I thought you were Busa first until I looked at the names xD. Nice stuff so far. Good luck with training!
@ThatVirtuaFighter Thanks Man!! Good luck with ur Jacky too!!
@Sly Awesome man! Thanks. Ill start to stick around the forums for akira more. And yeah! Lmk about that video!! Im excited to watch!
Also, look at this thread and let me know if you have questions.

It maps out his stun game and what moves follow what without allowing them to stagger escape.
Couple things to work on.
1. If you're looking to initiate the stun game, don't use 6KP. You'll get lucky here and there, but you can be punished for it quite easily against strong players.
2. Learn your wall juggles. You're leaving meat on the bone. (I'll upload a video tonight and tag your name so you can see it. I'll show you just how insane the damage can be.)
3. If you launch with 6P4PP on a low threshold, the juggle can be either 2P, 3H+K, P, 466P+K or 2P, 3H+K, P+K.


Jul 29, 2014 at 2:49 PM
Posted by RyuxSama
Very GG's to Gurimmjaw! We're both trying to build up these two characters! Lmk what u guys think! :)
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