DOA5U - Leon Tips and Tricks

Great video, short but juicy! :D I just decided to try to learn Leon and this is the first content I found! I'm exited to start! :D I'll tell later about my progress! :D
Great video, short but juicy! :D I just decided to try to learn Leon and this is the first content I found! I'm exited to start! :D I'll tell later about my progress! :D
Great video, short but juicy! :D I just decided to try to learn Leon and this is the first content I found! I'm exited to start! :D I'll tell later about my progress! :D
33P is usable as a long distance breakable connector only if the opponent is stopped by a wall. Otherwise it will push them too far away. If you are in open space and far away, it's best to sprint forward and 3K into 214P.
That wall juggle's pretty amazing. Also, love the 2K, 3K setup. Can 33P after a breakable object connect from farther away than P+K?
It always brings a smile to my face when it lands
I love 33P so much. Feels amazing when you crush attacks with it.
Making me want to pick up Leon again! Good shit Bass!


Jul 16, 2014 at 11:07 PM
Posted by Sly Bass
Leon is a monster. A man of few moves, but those moves hurt. His combos are simple and they leave a mark. Pull up a chair and watch what happens when you let an animal loose.
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