Proper explanation on what "shade is"

So shade is an attempt of a in-depth concept on being a A-Hole?

So if someone is throwing this shade at me and I threw an eclipse at that person. Am I a bigger A-Hole?
Shade isn't straight out saying "you're a tacky piece of trash" to someone, it's sly digging someone.
So...the slang term means to insult? I'm confused, someone help me out.
No one said there was hypocrisy in this definition. I implied there was hypocrisy in the sentiment that people using the word for a different meaning than it was originally intended are bad. I said this because everyone is doing that if they're using any variant of slang regarding the word.

PS: That's actually an interesting concept, since once could argue that the side of the Earth being opposite to the sun (creating night time) is a result of the rest of the Earth's mass blocking the sun from reaching that specific angle (since if the Earth did not block the sun's rays, it would not appear as night time). As such, I could see an argument where someone said that nighttime was complete shade.
Words' definitions are ever changing. Some enter a subgroup's vernacular and its used to mean something other than the original definitions. That's how words evolve over time.

A misuse of the word, I would imagine, is saying something wrong on accident or not fully understanding a word's definition. I'm assuming the drag culture understood what "shade" meant originally, and changed it from there.

Say, for instance, I said that shade is the darkness at nighttime, in which that would be a misuse of the word, since the definition I clearly was looking for was something blocking the sun's rays, creating a small shadow. Using the word to create a new definition for it is something else entirely.

I know this doesn't really matter at all, but I'm of the belief that there isn't hypocrisy in this person explaining what their definition was originally intended to be.
They created slang based on an English word that did not mean what it was originally intended to mean.
And now these new people have turned the same word into a new meaning.
Neither of these meanings are what the word actually means. They are, in effect, equally as bastardizing. The only "claim" that the original group has is that they came first. But then, by that logic, the group who used the actual word "shade" (the only real meaning, the one that's in the dictionary) could come and claim seniority over them, saying that "shade means this, not what you are using it as."

When the LGBT people started using the word for their definition of it, they didn't take ownership of the word. It's not like they declared "From now on, 'shade' can only be used as slang in the way that WE see fit and in the way that WE want to use it. Anyone else trying to bastardize the word (like we have) shall be made illegitimate because we were here first." At least I hope they didn't say that. It would be profoundly stupid if they did.
"The people in this video have no more claim or stake over what the colloquial use of the word should mean than the new schmucks who abuse it by their own definition."

I just explained why they do have more ownership. LGBT people, mostly black, back in the 60's created this slang that they used amongst themselves in drag culture. Some folks on the internet got ahold of it, decided "hey I wanna use that" and then used it wrong.
Nor did my post indicate anything to the contrary. If you read it again, I was simply trying to identify/differentiate the two different groups.
Group A) Uses "shade" in reference to the meaning described in this video.
Group B) The "new" folks who use it differently.

Both of these groups took a word and applied some random fucking meaning to it. Whether it was this group 50 years ago or the new group that started it up recently.

In summary: You can't get bent out of shape for someone "misusing" a word that you were misusing to begin with. It's absolute silliness.
"Shade" has been part of drag ball culture for 50 years and this movie came out over 20 years ago. It has history, it's not something new the kids cooked up a couple years ago.
Wait, so throwing shade isn't just a Megaman 7 reference regarding Shademan's weapon? Damn, I've been out of the loop.
"Misuse" it? "Shade" means that shit that's out of sunlight (or various levels of light and dark describing coloration). Every other mother-fucker who uses the term to mean something other than those literal definitions is "misusing" it. The people in this video have no more claim or stake over what the colloquial use of the word should mean than the new schmucks who abuse it by their own definition.
Well now.... glad to finally know the true meaning of the term.
David- the sly dig version of "Shade" originated in drag. This is a drag queen explaining it. What happened recently is it became more prevalent in pop culture and people took it and decided they thought they knew what it meant and now misuse it constantly.
This from paris is burning, this is where the term originated from
David what you explained is reading, shade like explained here is more sly more rude
?? Throwing shade to me means criticizing, disrespecting, or being rude to someone. I have no clue what this video was attempting to explain but the "black queen" needs to grow up.
Sorry, i just need to educate these "YASSSSS MAMAS" cause good god they're urkin me


Jul 15, 2014 at 10:18 PM
Posted by Yurlungur
Since you all need to know what the hell this word means, since none of you use this properly
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