Are you here to mash me out ?

@Nereus No it was not me playing. Just a coincidence that my Jacky avatar has the casual costume and the Jacky in the video too.
Ahh ok... also... thanks for telling me the song. Even though i found it on my own lol
nevermind i found it...
Time to remember us - Epic score
And no lol, it's an offline match against my friend, not Jaimy.
what's the name of the song? It's really good. Also.. is this JAIMY playing? If so, i got a few things to say. There were moments to where you had a combo opportunity and you sort of froze up and didn't capitalize. Also, try to utilize Jacky's frame traps more.
Your opponent don't have many choices in this bounce slam, it's the win-win situation of bayman. And yes, it's much easier to see what they'll do and control the rhythm of that game.
It also gives a Force Tech oppurtunity.
Actually the bounce slam can not prevent wake up kick, it just inspire your opponent to tech instantly to avoid the ground throw. If they want to wake up kick, they have to lie on the ground a bit longer; that means you will have a free ground throw.
Is that what the bounce slam was for to prevent wake up kicks? I thought I tested that awhile ago though. oh well I prefer not getting help and finding things on my own, but I can't just ignore good tech.


Jul 14, 2014 at 7:48 AM
Posted by darkthunder106
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