Best Soul Calibur Player Ever

I caught myself making car noises when Voldo was walking on the guy at the end of round 2. Don't judge me.
good luck getting that "izuna" on higher level players though. only way you can do it is by launching them with a bomb. but better players will either block it or jump it. if they expect it then they'll do a jump hit unless you fack out 4A+B into A and get a free 66B afterwards. still say SC is tons better than DOA. im getting bored with DOA now and it's "guessing" system.
Not a real izuna but yknow, closest I could get.
Yeah I just don't like him in V. He just looks silly and fights like a drunken Kratos. I dunno. Not for me.

And omg Natsu has the silliest fucking Izuna. Much like DOA, that was basically my gameplan. I use it for everything. Juggles? Nah. Izuna. Guard pressure? Nah. Izuna. Whiff punish? More like IZUNA PUNISH!
@Yurlungur it's that fast i15 vertical slash with, like, 0 recovery. I could win a match by doing nothing but 1B. This is the Scrub combo: 1B, 1B, 4B, Rinse & Repeat

@Brute Natsu & Yoshimitsu have the closest equivalents to an "Izuna Drop". I guess since they're both ninjas and all. Lizardman is actually pretty decent in SCV if you can utilize his spacing well.
I'm encouraged by this video, lol
I guess I always could give it a second shot with some proper guidance. Tempting...

Traditionally, my "main" in the Soul Series is Lizard-Man, but after 2 they just really messed him up for me. So after that I kinda switched to Taki. Natsu. Whatever.
what's 1b again? i don't recall that one
Most Mitsu scrubs don't graduate up to BE's and just do 2KB instead which is like, -26 on block and -16 ON HIT lol! Oh and let's not forget the 1B's. OH FUCK 1B! O_O
To beat the mythical 4B, one must must either JG or quickstep in reaction.

@Brute Seriously, don't be discouraged by this video. Both of these players are idiots. I'd gladly help you get into SCV. Who would you main? I'm guessing Patroklos?
4b, 66bb, 2k(abk) <--- that's if they moved up from their current level of scrubbery
As soon as I see a 4B from a Mitsu player, I'm NM 1A'ing his ass into oblivion -_-. 8A+B is another dumb move.
Lol, There's a lot of assholes in SCV, but most of them are Mitsurugi players. Voldo players are very rare. Good Voldo players are even rarer. But yeah, I'd gladly troll this Voldo player back =P.
Then there need to be more assholes.

I'm seriously considering picking SCV back-up, despite how much I dislike it, after watching this video.
No, i like the soul calibur people.I actually like to teach the beginners in this game because they're not dirty 09'ers. If anything i would troll the voldo player here in this video because he's clearly just being an asshole lol
@Yurlungur, I know you wanted to partake in this trolling so bad ;).


Jun 23, 2014 at 9:12 PM
Posted by Brute
Not me, but I wish it was.
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