DOA5U - Phase 4 Stage Combos

@GarryJaune you are very welcome!
@Tulkas you are very welcome as well! :)
that PL combo is awesome,very practical,thanks 4 sharing
No problem @Kronin. Here to help.
And yes @GarryJaune, she can do more than this trust me.
You are welcome @Vigoorian King
Thanks so much for sharing the video :D
Thanks so much for sharing the video :D
Thanks you guys! Haha glad you liked it! xD
Those were great. Good shit Steady.
Ahhh okay. LOL DMC tracks are like awesome period.
I love his track. Best theme from DMC4, imo
Are you hinting me to edit that?


Jun 22, 2014 at 9:23 PM
Posted by Steady G
All combos performed by CrazySteady.
Ideas created by CrazySteady.
Music: DMC4 Swipe of Sword ( Angelo Credo Theme )
Hope you all enjoy =)

*Remember* These combos were created in like the first week she was released so there may be better or more damaging combos you can find but this is what I found. Check it out and leave a comment telling me what you think of it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
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