This is what I come to after a month of not playing....

Then try actually telling us the person was being an asshole in the first place. Now the video is up for all of YouTube to see and all they know is that person got bodied.
And thanks for clarifying the situation.
I'm away from home, waiting for Godzilla to get here. Later tonight I'll get some games in.
And it wasn't like that Awesmic. It was cocky people in the lobby. One was this guy. And I shut him down.
It's nice to see you're getting better with Zack, Blaze, but I will say this. Don't let it get to your head. Exposing random inexperienced players for no reason - much less for the sake of them being inexperienced or "low-level" - is not cool, and helps nobody. I can see if the opponents you faced were popping off and you were telling us to watch out for a certain poor sport, but otherwise, it makes you look like a bully from the outside perspective.
PSN lobbies is filled with nothing but low level players...


May 15, 2014 at 1:06 PM
Posted by Blazeincarnated
Why do I even bother... :/
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