Dead or Alive 5_Rank Match_H2O TidalLeaf VS. XXXDA KILLAHXXX

first of all no, there is not "one" way to play ayane. she shifts seamlessly between offense and evasion & has a variety of tools that excel in specific situations. i haven't even watched the video yet but i applaud killah for doing it his way ~
I would like to see Hajin and Killy get some matches in and uploaded. I could use the pointers.
both very good players =´) good to see a amazing Ayane player...they are kinda rare =´P
yep it sure did..he was trying to interrupt with lows and if i didnt counter anything those lows wouldve
took just as much damage
And before anyone starts I'm not insulting anyone -_-
That last round is a big part of what is wrong with DOA...I guess the low was getting to be a little predictable, but still I think all the damage in that round came from holds lol.
Lasmir: Thanks man_ this whole thing could've been avoided.. Since Im not playing her the way shinobi wants me to , I guess he thinks im garbage LOL hmph.. I have combos I made up MYSELF!! and im the only one that does those combos online. That comes from being different _ Im sick of seeing these same styles, combos, strategies etc.; So, I be different by not finishing combos (follow-ups that leads to another string etc.) I use this strategy to avoid being countered , and to counter certain opponent moves. (baiting) I basically use my counters as parries with all my characters. I would do very well mix ups (poke) then we they throw theyre first attack, I normally gets it. I also will poke then stop and counter (parry) to make sure an attack doesnt come... Everything I said here is in this video->

Now Lasmir... Only JDE and I have played, but the main person of this situation is Hajin.. We havent played yet... Like I said, I dont turn down any challenge.. Im basically waiting on him; But, I dont think he'll play me LOOL so GG..!
I totally agree with steady there is no specific way of playing with a character. Everybody uses a character in a certain way depending on their way of playing. Some like to poke and grab while others like to space and punish or fight in any other infinite different styles out there. Saying a person sucks before even playing him just because he uses a character in a certain way is not a smart thing to do. And take it from me dakillah is no joke he whoopes ass like no other with ayane and other members of the cast although i haven't personally played against him i can tell because of some of his fights against players who i also fought against.
Anyways why is this a dead issue now? What happened have you guys fought? Who won?
  • JDE

I think you misunderstood Hajin from the jump though. He was just trying to help you understand Ayane on a deeper level. Can Ayane pressure? Yes she can. But she's even better space & mid range which was what he was trying to tell you.. In case you were really serious about playing her offline.. But GGs Killah
...and you say you cant rush with Ayane?? -- um Steady will show you otherwise..
Oh okay. Everyone plays a character differently btw. This community have all sorts of styles that people use. There isn't a handbook out on all of the character stating, "This is how you play them! Play them like this or else!" Ya' know? Just a thought.. :)
  • JDE

No Steady... It was about how he was playing compared to how we played... But It's a dead issue now...
So what is the real issue here? Is it over the BEST Ayane? That's what Im getting from JDE & Hajin's comments... o.0
JDE: Who ever said I played her correctly?? -- LOL not me... What "I" said was "You play Ayane your way, and Ill play my way." -- "As long as Im winning matches, thats I really cared about."
.....And ppl still thinks first to 5 or whatever would actually prove something online... smh...
Oh I can play both of yall and its quite funny how you get your other Ayane buddy to back you up when hes probably worse than both of us.. LMAO Ill take both of yall... which one would like to go first... this is 360
Oh , a new challenger has appeared...

And sure thing Shinobi, should be easy for ya!
You want me to quickly 5-0 him AND expose it? Sure.
  • JDE

I can guarantee you that you don't know what you're doing, but I don't think you care to since you're bad mouthing somebody who practically spends all nighters with her.

But I have an offer on the table. Since you think you know how to play her correctly, & offline tournaments are a waste of time, show me. Play me or somebody who knows how to play & we'll see how much you know about Ayane.


Mar 7, 2013 at 4:40 PM
Posted by PSN Khaliah_
hmmm..psychic a bit?.....

ENJOY THE VID!! Trying to become a little more famous((:
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