I should be the new world champion. Joking

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Apr 14, 2023 at 6:59 PM
Posted by NyaMiyamaFighter
I was so happy when I won. I let out a "WHOOOOH!" You could see my excitement when I taunted at 3:27. I had uber-confidence after the fact. It was super high XD But he beat me like 10-4. I'm just happy to have won a set period. LOL But he shouldn't be playing this version of the game; it's bad.
I definitely went back to watch his stream to hear/see his reactions during our fights. If DOA6 was actually a competitive game, I'd destroy you ALL!

Replying to comments made on his Twitch Stream:
Hoodless said: "He's just holding; he doesn't know what's going on."
Correction, I DO know what's going on. What's going on is that Mai players love poking low, so I held low to put a stop to your NONSENSE :D
He said it again after I held him mid on Forbidden Fortune. At this stage in my DOA journey, I try to incorporate a lot of advanced holds into my play style. First I identify which moves my opponent usually counterattacks with, then I hold that direction after they block my attack. Easy.

Someone said: "He's feeling himself now."
Yes, I was :)

Hoodless said: "Please don't rematch me; you already lost."
We'll see about that ;)

Someone said: "He's not punishing the dive."
I don't know all Mai's frame data. Not even pros punish every unsafe move. Say less, punk. lol
6:55 I think during this round I couldn't concentrate because I was talking to someone.

Hoodless said "Oh my &@* in response to my sidestep attack. He wouldn't have to worry about the cheap SSA as much if we fought in DOA6FE.

Someone said: "He's trying (lol)"
Don't belittle me as if I'm some noob. I'm not pressing random buttons. It's mostly deliberate.

Someone said: "You got this. He's just holding high and low."
Yeah, I'm holding high and low because that's what I predict Hoodless to do... duh?

Someone said: "Has he not been punishing at all? I think I saw you SSA him like 2 times before and not throw you."
If you are not confident that you can react in time to throw punish a move, it's best not to attempt it, or you may get hit on hi-counter and put into a deep stun. That's why I and every other knowledgeable player does not punish every unsafe move we see. I literally throw-punished at this moment here 0:10.

Someone said: "He held three times. I choked on a laugh."
If you duck or hold, it sometimes tricks the opponent's brain into attacking in the direction you draw attention to. That's why I held low multiple times. Commonsense. There was a time when I held high twice or three times against a Mai player who fought me in DOA6FE. I successfully countered her high strike because of this strategy. I had so much faith in my prediction that I held that direction repeatedly. Stop making foolish comments and think unbiasedly before judging someone.

Hoodless said: "He declined? He's a bum."
The Throwdown stage requires no skill, so I declined... yeah... The stage is r*t@rded. Of course I declined. I'm not going to tolerate terrible game design. I'd rather move on to the next stage as soon as possible. You won the match, so calm down. If this game was actually good, I would keep playing no matter what happens because it'd be fun. But it isn't fun, so I have no respect for it and no desire to keep going.

Someone said: "I like how he stood there and watched you line him up with civilians."
I didn't "stand there". He kept sidestepping and hitting me on my block so that I couldn't move. What's the point of even saying that? Humans just like talking because they are haters. Like, shut up and keep your negativity to yourself.

Someone said: "That guy always rage quits. I don't even waste time with him anymore."
People are deaf or intentionally refuse to understand words. I told the person who wrote that comment multiple times that I despise this game. Of course I will rage quit. Why wouldn't I if it makes me unhappy? If you don't want me to rage quit, fight me in DOA6FE where you can't rely on busted-broken moves to help you win.
Previous Wannabe DOA7 Game Designer Idea: Universally decrease the duration of all stuns so that players cannot stall to see their opponent's reaction and still have enough time to extend the stun further. 13 to 23 frames is a good range. Matches will go by a little faster, and players will have to be confident in their combos.

It's funny. I wrote this idea hours before Hoodless and I fought in ranked. The tactics he used against me are a perfect example of why stun durations need to be reduced. He's the world champ; he doesn't need to wait to see how I'll react. No more nonsense. Just attack your opponent!
Tags: NyaFighter8101 NyaMiyamaFighter FighterSupreme DOAFighter3 PsychoSchematic steam vs versus online gameplay dead or alive 6 designer wannbe online PC ranked match online doa6 champion tournament
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