DOA5U ZACK vs RACHEL 2013-09-15

Can they hold out of the last few punches or does it NC? and does it NC on natural hit.
you can't play stun game with it?
And @Takeda The only way I've found use for it is either a PL or being really close to the opponent. :/
I haven't seen anyone really make use of 6pp6pppp or whatever the string is though :/
The punches into the cb were sick you can't do them over and over though. Blaze I thought you were all talk, but man this Zack was a little rough around the edges, but your execution and that CB combo with the 8P bound was fucking nasty. Btw that PPP,PP8 isn't a loop they fall on the seventh hit and it only works on CH. Good work Blaze. I found some nice piece of Zack and falling more damage with Zack. just got 125 on Ch with him.
YES!! Its just like Lisa's pp4 pp4 pp4 7p(CB). Ha! I am going to sub Zack in 5U!
So those punches you were doing before the CB, are those infinite? Like you can do it over and over?
You didn't have to do her like that lmao. But why did he let you pull off that same CB combo 2 million times? smh..


Sep 15, 2013 at 11:24 PM
Posted by Blazeincarnated
Here I beat the doo-doo out this scrubby ass Rachel. BURR!
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