DOA5U KASUMI(me) vs AYANE(cousin) 2014-08-04

This is offline right? Your cousin isn't bad but they were kinda just throwing out random attacks at times, which Ayane can appear to get away with if you don't know how to defend against her. To fight her you need to be patient and either capitalize on unsafe moves with the appropriate punishment such as a throw (A lot of punishment opportunities were missed), or know when she may free-cancel to interrupt with a quick poke such as a PP or 2P. When fighting Ayane with Kasumi, you need to stay in her face and rush her down constantly. Don't let her have unnecessary space. If she does have considerable space on you, you'll need to approach cautiously and try to bait her into throwing out an unsafe move that you could punish. Ayane can zone and hi-crush Kasumi easily, taking away these 2 advantages are key to beating her with Kasumi. With a l'il more experience, you'll get more used to Kasumi's and Ayane's moves.


Aug 4, 2014 at 8:49 PM
Posted by DoANoob
You can tell my cousin has experience with DoA. He's played DoA3 before so I had my beating coming for me...Again I was pressing buttons blindly.
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