Dead Or Alive Dimensions Character Changes part 2

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Dec 3, 2011 at 12:26 AM
Posted by Gill Hustle
Part 2 Info provided by "Thunder" forum poster on


3f now will parry all lows.

9f will parry all highs and mids (Hitomi's parry stayed the same though).


His back-turned 2k has been incorporated into two strings. He can now do 4p2k and 1pp2k. The move is pretty good, close to kororo's 2f+k.

4pp is now a high.

4f+k is so so quick now. I don't know why it was changed but I like it a lot.

2p+k-p+k. A new high launcher after his 2p+k.

46p knocks back now.

Can no longer juggle with held 3p.

9k gives a pretty good relaunch now. His new 236f+p bnb is: 236f+p 9k 3pppk. It does more damage than Gen Fu's bnb.

A glitch has been fixed where if 66p was blocked the opponent could press f+p and then have the rest of Eliot's 66ppppk whiff for no reason.

His ground hit is 2p.


66f+p and 6f+p have been reversed.


6kp is a new string. She hits with the knee (like Eliot's 6k but way faster) and then a mid punch.

The old 6kp is now 6p+k.

The old 6p+k is now 66p+k.

I might be wrong but I think her old OH was 236f+p. It's now 66f+P.

La Mariposa:

Took Tina's 236f+p. La Mariposa's version is not an OH and is performed 6f+p

New OH - 236f+p

New string - 1kkp. The p is a high elbow

New launcher - 33k. Looks like Zack's 66k.

New strings? 2kp6k and 4p6k. (Not actually sure if these are new or not).[/b]

Her ground hit is 2k. She does his cool little tumble thingy, like brad's 6f+k but without leaving the ground.

Some more changes that I'm not 100% certain are new:

Gen fu:

Can't launch with ppk anymore.

Able to do 8p and his 4p strings from back-turned.


4k - A new axe kick.

2f+k k - Goes from his low kick to the new axe kick.


qcfk - huge drop kick. Higher and 6 frames faster than her 7k drop kick.

66f+p - new/old OH. Gets on the opponents back and stretches their arms out. Her old OH from doa4 is now Lisa's.
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