Dead or Alive 5 - Alpha Demo / Hitomi vs. Ayane

Yeah, I'd like DOA5's model combined with DOA3's personality.
worst Hitomi model by far glad they changed her for the final version but still i prefer her doa3/4 way more
I'm not going to lie, I kinda like how Hitomi looks here.
When Hitomi actually looked like a normal girl... *sigh*
...and i also like it when the Final Hit is slown down......give me alittle Feeling of an Replay :) Old good Feelings :9
I really like how slow the Power Blows are :) a bit to slow but it feels more Powerful and Authentic .
The power blows are slower, which I think looks better. I wonder what Zack and Helena's would look like in this speed...
Like I said before. The lighting in the Alpha Demo and graphics overall was WAYYYY better than 5 and 5U.
If I remember correctly, there was a bit of complaining about how Hitomi looked in comparison to older games. I personally prefer how Ayane looks on the character select screen here (Love her "Don't Make Me Laugh!" pose lol). In a weird way, I strangely like the "nitty-gritty" vibe that the Alpha demo gave off compared to what we have now. The Powerblows also indeed looked a bit more epic.
Honestly, the big ears make her look cute and the schnoz makes her more defining.
Hitomi looked like a sad homeless monkey
After seeing this, I'm not a big fan of Hitomi's current Barbie face and hope modding will allow us to edit faces as well
Wow I forgot in the demo Hitomi had big ears and a slim face. o_O
And the intros and outros sound a lot better too O_O Hitomi's "bring it" was really DOA3 xD
Ah the good ol' days. Hitomi looked so awesome. Is it me or does Hayate have a really big head in the character select screen? xD


Feb 11, 2015 at 4:58 PM
A comment on the forums made me want to look back on how different Hitomi and Ayane had looked prior to vanilla's release. In my honest opinion, they should have left it the way it was. Hitomi actually looked like she was part Caucasian and Ayane looked more Japanese. Now they both look like plastic dolls.

Also, I really like the white life bars. Very modern and clean-looking, if I should say so myself.

Powerblow was also a lot slower, and I like it a lot more that way because you can really appreciate the animations better when it isn't happening so damn fast.

Once DOA5LR comes out to PC, I want to learn how to mod the character models to look the way they did in the demo and to get that white life bar.
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