Analyzing Lobby Matches #1 To help Team Ninja & Koei Tecmo make the Dead or Alive 7 reboot GREAT

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May 27, 2023 at 6:10 PM
Posted by NyaMiyamaFighter
My Deepest DOA Desire (currently): Dimensions ported to Switch with an option for 4-way hold and 5-round matches.

0:00 Match Start
0:18 I consider the fan throw to be somewhat OP only when it is used from a distance.
1:00 She deserved this for holding in neutral.
1:27 Use the non-existent wall game from DOA2U. Wall-Bouncing and Wall-Critical stuns should not exist unless someone's hit into a rope or bouncy ball Danger Zone from DOA5's SHOWTIME stage.
Moreover, regarding DOA2's wall properties, only slow strikes will put the opponent into a sit-down state against the wall. Slow moves are reactable, so they will be more rewarding, ergo when used up against a wall, they essentially cause a "reset throw" (strike) effect. Quick moves that cause a wall hit will make the opponent slide off of the wall so that they are able to use Comeback kicks.
Example: Hitomi's 5PPP would cause a wall slide. Hitomi's 66H+K would cause a wall rest/sit.
1:36 "Broken move" number 1 for Zack was supposed to be the first wall-splat at 1:27. I made a mistake. Players should not get launchers from mashing.
1:44 Projectiles can be in DOA, but non-lethal ones like Mai's fan--and they cannot deal a lot of damage. 15 is too much damage for a fast character like Mai who can run up and throw you for massive damage or stun you for +20 frames on Counter Hit.
2:16 See how Mai slid off the wall from Zack's kick? Unfortunately, this only happens during a juggle, not when you're standing on your feet.
2:25 I haven't complained about the Break Blows because neither player has good defense. It's their fault, not the game's (no offense).
2:52 Remove this unholdable explosive box stun from the game. Instead, increase the explosion damage by 15 or so. It will still stagger the opponent, but they can defend themselves with regular holds now.
2:57 Mai shouldn't be punished for blocking. Blocking is what we OUGHT to do. This throw Zack used should be weakened, dealing 30-ish damage because it is UNbreakable. Take notes from 2D fighters.
3:14 I should be able to disable this costume from my perspective. Even though I like women, I do not seek to view women in this context. It is against my values. Make everyone happy by including more censorship options. You don't bother me, I don't bother you. That's how we live in peace.

Do not reboot the franchise. Make DOA6Ultimate or another spin-off DOA fighting game with Xtreme minigames included.

We can still learn how to improve DOA's combat system even while watching casual gameplay.
I never finished Analyzing the DOA6 World Championship top 16. I haven't forgotten. I just don't feel like it right now.
Tags: dead or alive 7 6 fighters evolution doa6fe doa6++ doa7 designer gameplay mod update online lobby rant match review patch notes studio デッド オア アライブ doa balance patch steam pc PC koei tecmo team ninja playtester チームニンジャ team ninja 株式会社テクモ tecmo 株式会社コーエーテクモホールディングス koei tecmo デッド オア アライブ doa dead or alive 6 spectating spectator spectate ザック Zakku 不知火 舞 Shiranui Mai しらぬい まい mai shiranui mai vs zack versus
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