(Akira) To Galen, SlyBass, Zeo & Ghostly-J (Description)

I think that they should bring all of his old moves back with more of his frame advantage attacks...Cause in this game I feel that he's lacking and would makeup for all the needs they're giving him.
Synce have been getting them from random tweets on TN's feed I'm guessing. I just want a full changelist to be released already.
Where are you getting the info that he is getting nerfed?
I'll touch on it too.

0:04 - We have a variation of this already, uneeded. Could have nice hard knockdown > force teching properties in DOA though.

0:55 - That looks like it'd be a meaty frame trap. The 2nd hit is a +6 GB in DOA, if it had those same properties in that string it would be a really nice additional way to get Akira's offense started. Definitely wouldn't mind seeing it.

1:20 - I don't see this being very useful. Looks unsafe, but maybe it would be a better finisher for certain combos than (2)46P, but we already have 466P+K for that.

1:41 - Looks like a slightly fast what would be sit down stun in DOA5. Would definitely like to have, that would give Akira a guaranteed combo into launch off 3 SDS' if the inital 214p hit.

2:39 - Don't particularly need it. Pass.

2:58 - Uneeded as we have 16F+P. But if it was changed to give you a BT stun without the opponent falling and giving a guaranteed followup, maybe we could talk.

3:11 - GOD YES. He needs this grab. Outside of 16F+P his throw game is trash. This is just the BnB throw he needs for those meaty high counter throw damage combos. Highest priority buff if he ever needed one.

3:58 - Just some sidestep kick. Uneeded, he's got plenty of SS options already.

Some of these would definitely up Akira's game tremendously in DOA and with his potential nerfs. He probably needs it. His FS version is what they used though so I doubt he'll get much of this stuff. But that launch grab is highest priority, easily. Hoping he gets at least one of these things to offset his potentially horrible nerfs.
I don't know. I'm not too upset with them nerfing Akira. Not like I was expecting anything less. Mila got nerfs and buffs that some people said made her unplayable and now I love her even more than I did before. So Akira getting nerfed is whatever to me. But we'll see come September what they plan to give and take away from him.
@ Galen: That's what I've been thinking Team ninja should do. With SEGA's permission, I'm hoping that they can incorporate some of Akira's old moves to keep him from dropping a few tiers if they plan on nerfing him to kingdom come. It would feel a little odd utilizing new moves in general since I came strictly from a Final Showdown background when prepping myself to use Akira here. Since his attack properties are leagues different than they were in FS, I'm guessing it's fair game.
The DoA5 incarnation is supposed to mirror Akira's skills in Final Showdown, which is insanely different from what he used to be in 5R and Vanilla. :04 looks wonky in motion, but it makes for a very good mixup tool when considering its inclusion into DoA. :17 is nothing more than an outdated animation of his 3H+K~ string. Not sure what to make of :55, but a mid->high combo consisting of P would be nice. Upon some realization, 1:20 is just his v>PP, but with a different animation. 1:41 seems like a good tool to use for bound juggles, which is more than welcome so long as it doesn't overshadow his 214P in power. If his 16T is getting nerfed, then we darn well better have this so his throw game retains an interesting spin in 5U. And the launch throw is merely a variant. 3:58 is his SSK, but the one we have now is more viable.
Who knows. Maybe They'll be adding more moves for him in 5U. We'll see. Sad to see that though. Wish he had everything in DoA that he has in VF.
Actually at 0:55 you'll notice he does have the move that knocks Kage down. Or at least something close to it. Out of his 3H+K~8_2 or 46~8_2, P+K he has a GB out of it that guarantees nothing. Not even in the corner. Comes out incredibly slow but it gives you insane amounts of advantage. You'd have to be retarded to attack out of it. The combo looks like his powerblow but has some very noticeable differences. 2:45 has an interesting string. 2:58 I don't know if it was a combo throw or what but it was godlike to watch. Even has a grab that launches... What the eff. These options would probably make him one of the gods in DoA. Maybe Sega only gave them some rights.


Jul 14, 2013 at 1:54 AM
Posted by DestructionBomb
VF5 Ver.B Akira Black Book Combos Vid for Akira in VF5. The purpose of this video was for Galen. But I've named you guys as well and want your comments of it. To Galen there are missing moves for Akira that are not present in DOA5...probably either because of balance issues or just simply because it didn't fit for it. You'll likely spot them in the video from the beginning. The ones are:

2:39 (this is his powerblow for DOA5?)

Could any of these moves be a good idea to implement?
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