Im So Sorry.

on the other hand. I can leave a lobby whenever i want to.
I knew you enjoyed beating my marie, so i had to pick kasumi to show how to play her ;D

You've good spelling for being french. 8DD!
You just run away like a coward just after one win haha. Well you are really pathetic
Well, she can sabaki Kasumi's many punches. Command SS pretty much anything, I've had a Marie SS a mid wake up kick before. Kasumi's very crushable. Marie's hold damage is amazing. Great OH's. She's a good character.
@chapstick Marie lacks in many things. Kasumi has a much higher chance to hit marie. I was nearly gonna win as marie but then i just got my butt raped. x__x
If you know her so damn well you should have been able to beat her with Marie.
Nice one! Show them how its done!


May 23, 2014 at 6:05 PM
Posted by Princess Kasumi
So I was in a lobby with somebody, we were playing rachel vs marie.
until this kasumi player showed up, i had no chance to defeat him as marie even if i had 4 matches against him with marie, i would not be able to win a match. So i had to pick kasumi and show who is the real mugen tenshin. ;D
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