Problems that the Patch DOESN'T Address


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I still think there are a few problems that Team Ninja hasn't even made apparent as issues with their plethora of changes, edits and fixes that still warrant discussion. Let's compile a list together? It's late, but I have a few small things that irritate me:

1. Replays

I think the biggest issue with replays correlates to the lack of descriptions. If I download a replay, I can't see who played as who. I recently went back to my replays and I have over 20 of them and it takes sheer memory to remember what matches were mine, which ones mattered, and who fought who if I downloaded multiple replays in a single go from the leader board.

It's nice that people that aren't in the top 100 have more options for uploading now, but the lack of descriptions kind of suck.

2. Screenshots

This feature really isn't my dish, but I've captured some pretty cool photos, and I think it really sucks that there isn't a "next" option. I have to back out of the photo and select another one, and wait for the photos to load again. It's a pretty sluggish feature that could use some fine-tuning if you're not converting or uploading to your PC.

3. No Online Tag (co-op), No Tag Survival

Honestly, tag mode isn't really my forte either, but I hear a lot of people complaining about this one. Did Team Ninja ever really explain why they couldn't add this to the game? My only guess is lag, but then again Tag Survival is missing as well (but fuck that mode).

4. Power-Blows in survival

Not only do I kinda hate survival, but power-blows only extend that hate. So not only am I forced to play the most boring, biggest walled map in the game... if I get smashed with a PB ONCE facing ONE of my hundred opponents I'll be extremely lucky to survive. I think that power-blows should be removed from survival. Then again I'd be even happier if they just removed survival so I wouldn't ever have to think about it again. XD

5. No DLC Compatibility Packs

This has been a huge deal since the release of the first DLC pack. I can't see the outfit you paid 100 points for, and you can't see my fiend ass looking Ryu if you didn't bother to buy it.

I don't see why compatibility packs can't be released. With a 400 a pack price tag, it should most definitely be included. I don't like most of the DLC, so I'm kinda thankful I don't have to see it, but what a low-blow to the people that paid that kind of money for those recolors and costume swaps.

Post-Patch Issues (please do no patter on about character buffs or nerfs in this particular thread as they are being detailed enough in others)

I have only played around with the patch twice on my friends PS3, and I like most of the gameplay changes even being an Alpha player, but I do not like:

1. Accept/Decline on Ranked matches

This was a horrible idea that isn't completely Team Ninja's fault because it was highly requested, much to my fear as a higher rank (which doesn't mean shit) and an Alpha player. The connection status is something I can understand, but it's online, what do you expect? If you play RANKED matches you are testing your skills by fight a random player online. When you can see someone's rank or name, it's now encouraged to back out of the fight if you don't want to fight them. If you play ranked, you deserve to fight that S+ because you took the risk.

It's not fair to the players who actually give a fuck, and if this feature stays, I'll probably dismiss myself from all ranked activity.

What's your beef? And how can you contribute to save Team Ninja from another 40 grand patch? Which would require them to listen as well...


Well-Known Member
1. Accept/Decline on Ranked matches

This was a horrible idea that isn't completely Team Ninja's fault because it was highly requested, much to my fear as a higher rank (which doesn't mean shit) and an Alpha player. The connection status is something I can understand, but it's online, what do you expect? If you play RANKED matches you are testing your skills by fight a random player online. When you can see someone's rank or name, it's now encouraged to back out of the fight if you don't want to fight them. If you play ranked, you deserve to fight that S+ because you took the risk.

It's not fair to the players who actually give a fuck, and if this feature stays, I'll probably dismiss myself from all ranked activity

When I come across a good player in Ranked Match my nipples harden.



Well-Known Member
Accept/Decline is a good feature that was indeed needed, however, the mistake TN made was showing name/rank/stats. It should show you the connection of the player and that's it. There was no need to show the rest of the information that is currently shown.


Active Member
they just need to fix the god damn netcode. I dont lag that bad with people in TTT2 and virtua fighter 5. I hold back in lag because theres no point in having a kid learn your combos in a laggy match, then these kids think theyre better than me and smash my body. i swear to christ id demolish these kids in smooth lag


Active Member
What is this players in ranked you speak of? I just get stuck waiting at the online screen constantly.
Protip: while waiting, change your program source to TV and adjust to volume so that you can hear when "A new challanger appears!" (you need to have a separate amplifier for your console)

Omegan Eckhart

Well-Known Member
Hmm... I don't actually have that problem, and if I do I cancel and restart my search.
I'm in the UK. If you are in the US I'd understand why you find it easier to find a match seeing as there are a lot more people playing DOA5 in the US than most of Europe combined.
Protip: while waiting, change your program source to TV and adjust to volume so that you can hear when "A new challanger appears!" (you need to have a separate amplifier for your console)
Your usually the only person I ever see on ranked lol
If I change the channel and switch it back my Xbox resets itself sadly :(


Active Member
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deathofaninja said:
1. Accept/Decline on Ranked matches

This was a horrible idea that isn't completely Team Ninja's fault because it was highly requested, much to my fear as a higher rank (which doesn't mean shit) and an Alpha player. The connection status is something I can understand, but it's online, what do you expect? If you play RANKED matches you are testing your skills by fight a random player online. When you can see someone's rank or name, it's now encouraged to back out of the fight if you don't want to fight them. If you play ranked, you deserve to fight that S+ because you took the risk.

It's not fair to the players who actually give a fuck, and if this feature stays, I'll probably dismiss myself from all ranked activity.
This isn't really an issue because there are other options. All you have to do is select training or any of the vs CPU options and toggle Throwdowns to ranked match, wait for the red invite box to appear, press select, and you're good to go. You can also select the when the blue invite box appears to send an invite to an eligible player.
they just need to fix the god damn netcode. I dont lag that bad with people in TTT2 and virtua fighter 5. I hold back in lag because theres no point in having a kid learn your combos in a laggy match, then these kids think theyre better than me and smash my body. i swear to christ id demolish these kids in smooth lag

Sly Bass

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
I agree on the ranked match stuff. The only thing I care about is the latency of the opponent. If they lag, I send them an avoid player review of "Lacking Skill" because "Lagging like grandma in a foot race" isn't an option. I can see people only accepting matches from low ranked players being a problem.
All of these "problems" need to be an afterthought until the core game is up to par.
Lopedo, you have to be the biggest negative nancy I've ever come across. You need to overload yourself with happiness. Play this game, Watch some care bears. Go outside. Find a girl friend. Win the lottery. Save a puppy. Punch a baby. SOMETHING!


Well-Known Member
If you think the screenshot viewer on 360 is bad you need to try it on PS3. Same with replays... SLOW AS BALLS. And it's probably due to the PS3's gimped RAM, the same reason there's no custom soundtracks on it.

Haven't played online with 1.03 but I know I'll be seeing a lot of declines with my nasty ass Lisa. That needs to go. I also use a VF character and a boss character which doesn't help :bayman:


Well-Known Member
I agree on the ranked match stuff. The only thing I care about is the latency of the opponent. If they lag, I send them an avoid player review of "Lacking Skill" because "Lagging like grandma in a foot race" isn't an option. I can see people only accepting matches from low ranked players being a problem.

Lopedo, you have to be the biggest negative nancy I've ever come across. You need to overload yourself with happiness. Play this game, Watch some care bears. Go outside. Find a girl friend. Win the lottery. Save a puppy. Punch a baby. SOMETHING!

I do watch CB's. What is outside? When did it come out? I have a girl friend. I save dogs all the time, I post here. Can I punch you instead?