Message to Team Ninja: Please give us another way of getting those rare bikinis.


New Member
I hope the Admin or CyberEvil can get in contact with Team Ninja about this. The rare bikini should be got by beating Legend even with continues. For Lisa's maybe it can unlocked after using her 200 times in any mode.

Spamming Lei Fang helps in all but it's soul crushing when one cheap A.I fighter defeats you after working your way up there without continues. Lisa's completely turned me off from wanting to keep playing this game. This was really really really horrible thing you can do to gamers who have bought ever game from you for years.

Do we all agree this needs fixing?


Just because you can't get one outfit it shouldn't completely turn you off but yet I agree it should be changed. It should be changed to be possible to get it even with continues or the other examples you mentioned above.


New Member
Just because you can't get one outfit it shouldn't completely turn you off but yet I agree it should be changed. It should be changed to be possible to get it even with continues or the other examples you mentioned above.

When you're working at it for hours only to keeping being violated by this cheap A.I it really can turn you off from playing. As a long time DOA fan I've always collected and completed everything.


New Member
I don't think you should be able to use continues to get it. It's a reward for good play.

That said, I do sympathize with you a little bit. The AI is an input-reading whore.

Beating Legend should already give you the rewards. By getting nothing from Legend mode it feels empty like a waste of time and evil thing to do on the devs part.
I like the fact there is a hard challenge in the game. I have my rare Tina suit last night and jumped straight online to use it. If they made it easier it wouldn't be an achievement. It is not game breaking that you can't unlock a piece of string for a couple characters. That being said I do wish the legend ai was hard without being a button reading scumbag. Not only does that frustrate many players but it allows for gimmicks to beat it instead of any actual skill. Pretty much any charge move confuses the AI because it read you pushing the button but the delay of the move confuses it. It's the same reason that ryu has his gimmick to easily beat it.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It's funny how this is brought up now, because last night was one of the best nights of my life.

I never felt more satisfied blistering my thumbs and losing sleep trying to get Vampirella's outfit for Christie, and I'd be doing a disservice if I took part in this petition to make it easy. I want all my fellow Christie fans to have the same thrill of accomplishment, 'cause dad-gummit, they're missing out!

However, I'm only suggesting this to my fellow Christie fans, as I can't speak for the rest of y'all. The rest of you can do... whatever it is you do when you're not banging a Christie doll.


I like the fact there is a hard challenge in the game. I have my rare Tina suit last night and jumped straight online to use it. If they made it easier it wouldn't be an achievement. It is not game breaking that you can't unlock a piece of string for a couple characters. That being said I do wish the legend ai was hard without being a button reading scumbag. Not only does that frustrate many players but it allows for gimmicks to beat it instead of any actual skill. Pretty much any charge move confuses the AI because it read you pushing the button but the delay of the move confuses it. It's the same reason that ryu has his gimmick to easily beat it.
Yeah against some characters I've had to use Eliot's:6::6::P+K: ,:4::6::P:, :236::P: and his :236::K: over and over again. They have a hard time against those moves for some reason.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Just use Tinas 4P+K then low grab them when you slam them on the ground, its guarenteed. I got mine that way. Except i keep losing against Akira since i notice he blocks a lot.


New Member
I can't help but notice some of you ignorantly defend some of the most illogical choices made from Team Ninja. No-continues is neither logical or rewarding.

What's logical is beating Legend and getting my reward for defeating it. Adding no-continues just makes the game stressful and frustrating even with spamming Lei-Fang, Ryu or Tina.


Tina's and Christie's are really no challenge at all. Don't have any interest in Lisa so I'm content with not going for it, legend survival does look ridiculously daunting..


Active Member
I can't help but notice some of you ignorantly defend some of the most illogical choices made from Team Ninja. No-continues is neither logical or rewarding.

What's logical is beating Legend and getting my reward for defeating it. Adding no-continues just makes the game stressful and frustrating even with spamming Lei-Fang, Ryu or Tina.
Yes, TN should abide by unwritten rules of game-reward logic. It's unethical, illogical, and down-right torturing for them to set such an offensive goal that prevents people that are not willing to put in the time and effort to obtain a rare reward when others do and are appropriately rewarded for such. /sarcasm

I did just fine with Mila. I wasn't only whiff-punishing, I was doing everything and anything I felt like naturally doing. I beat Legendary and would've gotten my swimsuit had I not forgot to restart my attempt after taking a continue once on the first match. But since I'm not a scrub and I essentially proved to myself that it was possible, VF characters and all, I'm going to put more time in to understand the AI and get what I want.

I can understand the complaints about survival (not that I agree it should be taken out or amended), but really, It's not like those costumes are literally out of everyone's reach barring the select handful elite of elite gamers in the world. It's not a broken feature or something intrinsic to the core of the game they're locking you out from. It's a difficult goal that you're whining about because you have no faith or confidence in yourself to meet such a goal. And there's nothing wrong with that until you insist that your gripe has nothing to do with yourself as a player and that TN needs to go out of their way to provide a patch so that no one needs to optionally experience a challenge in a videogame and receive a hard-earned reward to show off for their struggle.


New Member
Admin please lock this thread and close delete my account.

No point posting if everybody is going to act like arrogant elitist snobs here. Btw I have beat Legend with different characters and again it's just NOT FUN spamming the same moves over and over again.

DO NOT BUMP THREAD. I see what you guys are really like now.


Admin please lock this thread and close delete my account.

No point posting if everybody is going to act like arrogant elitist snobs here. Btw I have beat Legend with different characters and again it's just NOT FUN spamming the same moves over and over again.

DO NOT BUMP THREAD. I see what you guys are really like now.

Dude, nobody was throwing attitude towards you. What is with all the name calling? Just because people don't agree with you you turn into a jerk? Grow up.


Well-Known Member
Christie and Tina require you win 16 matches in a row total with room to lose a round. Lisa requires 400, with no room to lose a round.