

Premium Donor
Pardon the double post, but it looks like they're not making new CGs. The fighters all have their updated new outfits with the same cg pose:

Nina's costume seems to have been also tweaked, an Eventhub user noted that her veil has been removed, and her hair has been apparently lengthened to be on par with her cg. The removal of the veil is an A from me, it would've been a clipping nightmare, and I'm always up for longer hair.;)
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View attachment 18544

Nina's costume seems to have been also tweaked, an Eventhub user noted that her veil has been removed, and her hair has been apparently lengthened to be on par with her cg. The removal of the veil is an A from me, it would've been a clipping nightmare, and I'm always up for longer hair.;)

Where do you see her veil removed? o__O Even though that picture is in potato quality I can easily make out the veil around her head.
Law seems to be the only one who kept his usual costume and not getting a fancy fantasy/steam punk/science fiction inspired outfit (so far).


Premium Donor
Where do you see her veil removed? o__O Even though that picture is in potato quality I can easily make out the veil around her head.
Law seems to be the only one who kept his usual costume and not getting a fancy fantasy/steam punk/science fiction inspired outfit (so far).
Oops, I didn't mean her CG. Here, this is what I meant:
The image quality is pretty bad, but the veil is absent in this pic. Unless Tekken is going to have some sort of cloth removal for headgear, this may have been a tweak for the better. Some other fighters also have some different tweaks; Xiaoyu now has feathered hair ties that weren't seen in the FR trailer before, Alisa has new designed wings, and the best part: Lili's hair is way more flowy and natural looking than when the FR trailer was first shown...they must have been busy since that time.:eek: Definitely subtle, but still good improvements.


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Ah, I see! :) Some of the guys, that wear hoodies, also seem to be able to toggle them off.


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its pretty cool when you're chatting with a friend, casually bring up a series, and then they go "THERE'S A NEW TEKKEN?!"

you're now the guy that just made their day.


Well-Known Member
Oops, I didn't mean her CG. Here, this is what I meant:View attachment 18545The image quality is pretty bad, but the veil is absent in this pic. Unless Tekken is going to have some sort of cloth removal for headgear, this may have been a tweak for the better. Some other fighters also have some different tweaks; Xiaoyu now has feathered hair ties that weren't seen in the FR trailer before, Alisa has new designed wings, and the best part: Lili's hair is way more flowy and natural looking than when the FR trailer was first shown...they must have been busy since that time.:eek: Definitely subtle, but still good improvements.
Aw, I really liked the veil. I guess if it falls off that's better than not being there at all.


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Harada is pretty much a parody of everything he does, except that the posts from everyday twitter users were actually insane for once on that particular situation. A somewhat-troll developer that cannot take himself seriously either.


Premium Donor
He seems alot more prone to becoming defensive than Ono does. Ono is rather cool headed and calm when it comes to criticism or complaints....I like Harada, but he could really take a leaf out of Ono's book when it comes to dealing with not so happy fans.


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i get that dealing with angry fanboys isn't the funnest thing, but honestly that costume is objectively terrible in my opinion.

speaking of which, while im not "RIP Tekken" like the gamefaqers, im really not too pleased with the expansion of that godawful Rage system which is probably one of the worst comeback mechanics ive seen. they went the easy way out and just put in supers which offer pretty much nothing besides a hail marry throw.


Premium Donor
At least he's not Kamiya who pretty much blocks everyone
That's way extreme. Harada has blocked two people though, one crazy fan who wanted some fan made girl in T7 named Xana Dalisay, and then this black guy who complained there wasn't enough African representation in tekken. I'm African American, but I don't have any problems with the race ratio anyway. In general, Harada only blocks if you become an annoyance to him.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
i get that dealing with angry fanboys isn't the funnest thing, but honestly that costume is objectively terrible in my opinion.

speaking of which, while im not "RIP Tekken" like the gamefaqers, im really not too pleased with the expansion of that godawful Rage system which is probably one of the worst comeback mechanics ive seen. they went the easy way out and just put in supers which offer pretty much nothing besides a hail marry throw.

How bad is Rage to Power Blow/Power Launch? Just asking.


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How bad is Rage to Power Blow/Power Launch? Just asking.

You'll almost never hit a random power blow against someone being careful with out a proper CB set up for one. It's also able to be used as a fake out and guard break so it at least has options as to what you can do with it.

Rage Arts are one use only with armor and no obvious start up which means it can go through your offense and kill you. This would be like if you were gaurunteed a super at near death in SF instead of it being a reward for proper meter management.


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We now know how Guile's new design is very likely going to look. I put it in spoilers since it's from a screen capture of the character mode:


Pretty badass new look! :D

Lol, wrong thread! XD
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