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   Gen Fu
   Jann Lee
   La Mariposa
   Phase 4
   Ryu Hayabusa
  • Kokoro
    Debut: DOA4
    Fighting Style: Ba Ji Quan
    Birthday: Dec 1st (Age 19)
    Stats: Height - 158 cm / 5'2"
    Weight - 49 kg / 108 lbs
    Body type - B90 W55 H87 cm / B35" W22" H34"
    こころ, Kokoro

    Games appeared in: DOA4, DOA Xtreme 2, DOA Dimensions, DOA5

    First appearence: DOA4

    Stage Music​ (top)

    Moonlit Lady - DOA4

    Ending Music​ (top)

    Estheticism - DOA4

    Back Story​ (top)


    Kokoro is the illegitimate daughter of Fame Douglas and half sister to Helena Douglas, although she is completely unaware of her family heritage. Growing up primarily in Japan, Kokoro trained to be a Geisha as well as trained in the Ba Ji Quan martial arts. As she grew older, her desire to focus more towards her martial arts eventually led to her decision to enter the 4th DOA tournament. Her mother, Miyako, hesitantly allowed her to join.

    In the DOA tournament, Kokoro meet up with Brad Wong, who offered her a drink while trying to hit on her. Kokoro refused his advances and they proceeded to fight. Further into the tournament, Kokoro would meet Helena, whom somehow recognized her by stating she looks like Miyako, Kokoro's mother. Helena said it must be in their blood that they were destined to meet. Kokoro didn't understand what this meant and they fought.

    After she leaves the tournament, Kokoro returns home in Japan and continues her Geisha training. She learns techniques like fan dancing and taiko drumming as part of the training.

    Character Links​ (top)

    Kokoro does not have any links with anybody in her small time in the DOA tournament. Aside from being hit on by Brad Wong and fighting her half-sister, Helena, Kokoro pretty much kept to herself.

    DOA 5 Frame Data​ (top)

    DOA 5 Kokoro: Frame Data
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