DOA4 Does DOA4 have learning resources?


New Member
Hi, I'm a new DOA contender, I registered because I wanted to see if the community here has any kind of guides/reference points to learning DOA4, since it's my favorite title in the series, and I plan to go online and play it after learning my combos and general mechanics, I play Ein and Hayate, I also plan to learn everyone eventually, especially Ryu.

Note: I am very familiar with FGs and their terminology in general, so I can understand specific terms and concept from the start.

I was a casual in DOA since Vanilla DOA5 released but I started learning the games seriously a few months ago, however I am a semi-competitive Capcom sn, SNK 2 player, and I do have a good grasp of 3D fighters, I currently play DOA5LR online sometimes on the PS4 and I think I'm doing well for myself, DOA5 ranked is kinda dead but I seem to be on par with A rank players in lobbies.

I would appreciate it if anyone can link me or just show me where I can find general tutorials or even character guides for DOA4, Idk why that game isn't as popular as 3 or 2 but they are all very good games imo.


Premium Donor
Hi, I'm a new DOA contender, I registered because I wanted to see if the community here has any kind of guides/reference points to learning DOA4, since it's my favorite title in the series, and I plan to go online and play it after learning my combos and general mechanics, I play Ein and Hayate, I also plan to learn everyone eventually, especially Ryu.

Note: I am very familiar with FGs and their terminology in general, so I can understand specific terms and concept from the start.

I was a casual in DOA since Vanilla DOA5 released but I started learning the games seriously a few months ago, however I am a semi-competitive Capcom sn, SNK 2 player, and I do have a good grasp of 3D fighters, I currently play DOA5LR online sometimes on the PS4 and I think I'm doing well for myself, DOA5 ranked is kinda dead but I seem to be on par with A rank players in lobbies.

I would appreciate it if anyone can link me or just show me where I can find general tutorials or even character guides for DOA4, Idk why that game isn't as popular as 3 or 2 but they are all very good games imo.
Here's the thread for Frame Data:

Guides are scarce but if you look through the doa4 forums here you'll find some combo sections and guides. I have a Kasumi guide but I apologize since it's currently unfinished


New Member
Here's the thread for Frame Data:

Guides are scarce but if you look through the doa4 forums here you'll find some combo sections and guides. I have a Kasumi guide but I apologize since it's currently unfinished
Thank you! I'm downloading the PDF files, glad this game has a source for frame data.
I browsed a bit more on the forum and found some useful pages that explained some of the more advanced mechanics in the game, but from what I gathered, it seems that this game has no true combos, at least in the latest version. correct me if I'm wrong; I read what the pages said about the hold system and it's frames and tested some combos against a human opponent but everything seems to be escapable via the hold button, unless there is a trick to make the stun state inescapable or something like that.
I am watching some pro DOA4 tournament videos to try to figure out what the meta is.


Premium Donor
Thank you! I'm downloading the PDF files, glad this game has a source for frame data.
I browsed a bit more on the forum and found some useful pages that explained some of the more advanced mechanics in the game, but from what I gathered, it seems that this game has no true combos, at least in the latest version. correct me if I'm wrong; I read what the pages said about the hold system and it's frames and tested some combos against a human opponent but everything seems to be escapable via the hold button, unless there is a trick to make the stun state inescapable or something like that.
I am watching some pro DOA4 tournament videos to try to figure out what the meta is.
Yeah that is true, there is really no true combos in doa4 besides juggle combos and the occasional moves that jail on block, Kasumi's 3PP is an example since it jails on hit or block.

DOA4 also does have stagger escape that can lessen the stun, if you hold the guard button and rotate the Dpad or the analog stick in a circular motion it'll help shorten the stun so you can get out of stun quicker and be able to guard sooner but be careful since this is a risk, if the foe knows you're gonna SE they can very much just wait you out and proceed to attempt a throw or use a move that's more suited as a poke or GB to take advantage of you being defensive


New Member
Wow, that's kinda lame, I have a ton of fun with DOA4, but now after knowing that; it seems like a game where you have to guess whether to hold or throw instead of making knowledgeable decisions, I'm not sure if that's really the case but if it's relying on mind games and stuff it may be a little weird, I was reaaally hoping for some real guaranteed combos, but I'll hold my final verdict until I play online for a good amount of time, hopefully the DOA4 online community around nowadays isn't scrubby, I'd rather play stronger players
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Wow, that's kinda lame, I have a ton of fun with DOA4, but now after knowing that; it seems like a game where you have to guess whether to hold or throw instead of making knowledgeable decisions, I'm not sure if that's really the case but if it's relying on mind games and stuff it may be a little weird, I was reaaally hoping for some real guaranteed combos, but I'll hold my final verdict until I play online for a good amount of time, hopefully the DOA4 online community around nowadays isn't scrubby, I'd rather play stronger players

I might go through a portal with DOA World and fetch some of the DOA4 guides there that are long gone now. Subway wrote one of my favorite guides of all time with DOA4 Tengu and I thought I copied it to FSD, but I must have forgotten. I know Renarism wrote a complex guide for Tina as well at one point, but these are relics of the past now. I'll do what I can to get a hold of them and post.

Musings of a Tengu Master by NOD Subway

Hayabusa Guides by select Fighters (I know Thunder Ninja was very good)

Here is the Complete List of Missing Guides for your reference. I'll contact a few of the people I know to see if I can get a hold of these relics from their personal files. I can also ask Master if he backed up the site and try making him a deal. He was the last person to have ownership when I worked with him on DOAW before he shut it down. I remember most of these guides, combo videos and tech were really well-thought out.
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Active Member
Wow, that's kinda lame, I have a ton of fun with DOA4, but now after knowing that; it seems like a game where you have to guess whether to hold or throw instead of making knowledgeable decisions.
Well, if anyone hasn't caught up with my last thread, I wanted to go through a more technical look through what the AI does in the story, and I ended up formulating a strat where on certain maps, barring Gambler's Paradise, I was baiting the AI to come towards me before I kick them back to the stone age. I imagine if you did that in a tournament, a lot of equipment would be broken after you win the match.