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  • Might learn Asuka, I actually like her in tekken 8 alot. I think since I also like Tamaki's Aikido in DOA, it made me appreciate Asuka's in tekken more since it's actually graceful aside from the punches xD
    @samuraihachi: Ironic that you like those two, seeing as those are the very two characters I see being the most likely candidates to be the new main protagonist and antagonist of this brand new saga in the Tekken storyline. Asuka is going through a slow burn learning about her heritage, and Reina... well, IYKYK.
    Yeah Rule34 - I mean, their awesome personalities and gameplay are what got me to play them lol. I certainly wouldn't mind either Asuka or Reina being the next protagonist.
    As a Kazama player (Jun during T2, before Asuka "took" the mantle and Jun's moves revamped in TT2), you will like Asuka and her aggressive playstyle. I say I have more fun with her in 8 than any other game she appeared on.
    It's been 3-4 months now and I'm still always in awe of how gorgeous Lili and her hime cut look in Tekken♡.♡ It's almost surreal since in 2017 I thought Tekken 7 Lili was her best look to date xD
    Well Lidia is coming to Tekken 8 now, and a beach stage xD also happy about the upcoming photo mode, hopefully it'll add more visual effects for picture taking on PC!^.^
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Hmmm...for me Bandai Namco went blue. Recycling is good for the environment after an esports tournament after all.
    Made it to Mighty Ruler with Lili in Tekken 8!^.^
    I'm really getting tired of this anti mod era thing Tekken 8 is doing. From sending a C&D email to the Tekken Mods site, it's like they really want to kill modding as a whole for the game. Will still mod the game, but this is ridiculous -_-
    I'm really hoping Tekken 8 won't wind up like DOA6 and end up discontinuing support after making too many incorrect support decisions. This is legit the darkest and most fun Tekken imo to date and I don't want them to wind up shooting themselves in the foot to make quick money >.>
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Nah, this is Tekken we're talking about, one of the big 3 of fighting games, they'd probably just end up making less of the bad decisions instead but I feel that it is going to (and in a way already did) surpass Tekken 7 in almost every single way.
    However, even if they do, I don't think that it'd lead to the death of the IP, especially now with how the focus on fighting games is starting to get bigger and bigger. Unfortunately games that are not Street Fighter, Tekken and MK can't really allow themselves to make too many bad decisions. For the latter, even unfortunate circumstances can lead to the "death" of a game/IP, SCVI is a good example.
    Tekken 7 was supported till the very end, also the game has cross-platform and more dlc characters coming. KT in general never believed in the doa and ninja Gaiden which is why they are taking their sweet ass time doing nothing about it.
    So nervous about finishing Tekken 8 modding and ranking up online past warlord. I think my worst fear is failing even tho I have the confidence to know i can do well but anxiety plays into that xD
    I believe in you!

    We have to hang out more and chat, hopefully you've been alright! \o/
    Definitely! I'm OK, just working mainly since I want to save and get a new PC, and I did recently get to red ranks. Modding is going better but I'm just waiting for more help since my friend teaching me is also learning some stuff herself too like physics :-D
    Finally was able to start my Tekken 8 online journey... Lili is way more fun in T8 than T7 xD I can actually apply pressure and I love her backturned mix ups so much, and the fact she has legit flowing hime cut inches makes her even more fun, she's like the Ayane of T8 mixed with shades of Helena
    Yeah Reina is annoying but so far I haven't fought one I felt threatened by, they seem to pressure you with her punches and then sprinkle her high crushes in but patience helped me beat them xD I also uninstalled df3+4 at mid range with Lili and installed f4 since it's quicker xD
    F+4 is amazing. Great keepout poke and counter-hit strike at i17 (Good by Lili standards). 3 is also a great poke with 3,2 & 3,1 (Heat Engager), 3~BT mixups. DF3+4 is more so when you know the opponent will be defensive. BT mixups are scary.
    My issue with Reina is that most players go for the same series of moves repeatedly usually starting with F,F+2 (Notation?) and think they're hot shit when they get her offense going. A mentality I can't stand.
    Happy Birthday, KasumiLover!! Hope you enjoy your time playing some DOA games! :D
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    Reactions: KasumiLover
    Thank you so much! I'll definitely be once I finish installing doa6 back on my new SSD!^.^
    Lorenzo Buti
    Lorenzo Buti
    Have you been also playing through Dead or Alive 5: Last Round? I still got those useful Costume Mods that you'd love to check out! :kokoro:
    Not recently, I don't have LR installed but I may again soon when I upgrade my PC!
    Happy late birthday! not on the site as much due to other games & IRL. Definitely be safe and that you are enjoying Tekken and other games to the fullest!
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    Reactions: KasumiLover
    Thank you so much! And yeah I'm definitely making the most with my new games when I'm not working or at the gym xD
    Kinda late but thank you everyone for the birthday wishes here and on Twitter. Even tho I always never expect people to remember or care enough to wish me well, you still do and I always value that, thank you!♡
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