WTF happened to KOF anyway?


Well-Known Member
How did we go from something so balla


to this shit


Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
I don't know what you're talking about. I love the old style and the new art style of kof. Now you should be asking that question about SF.


Active Member
1. That Robert image is from AoF and looks horrible.
2. Robert looks 100x better in KoF13.


Your complaint is especially confusing given that you have Ms. Jello as an avatar. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
To answer the topic question, Ash happened.

Now that he's dead, he'll probably reincarnate as a Pokemon trainer. Then again, he also has the choice of reincarnating as a character in Streets of Rage...

Prince Adon

Best in the World!!!
Premium Donor
SF looks like how it always has. People just didn't think it would be that jarring in 3D. Bulging muscles? Oversized hands and feet? Thats Bengus' style right there.

Point is in 3D it looks like complete crap. Ryu looks like he taken more steroids than Chris Redfield. Chun Li turned into a man. But I guess the look have to match how bad the gameplay has fallen.

Back on topic: I think KOF looks better than ever. Also given that it's completely hand drawn. I don't see what there is to complain about.


Well-Known Member
Some people just can't appreciate 3D models that are anything but photorealistic. SFIV shows us that, just because a 2D fighter moves to 3D graphics, it doesn't have to loose the artists touch.

Back on topic, the way KoF looks is due to the character designers involved. Most of the new characters were designed by Falcoon during his tenure. Meanwhile, the modern art is based on designs by Nona. The styles of both (especially of Falcoon) differ greatly from the styles of previous artists like Hiroaki, Senri Kita and Shinkiro.

On a related note, Shinkiro is now working for Capcom. You can see his influence clearly in MvC3 where the main criticisms against the character models (lifeless, looking like dolls, static) are also the main criticisms of his style in general.


Well-Known Member
SF4 is a beautiful game. Especially on PC. Most characters have never looked better.
Some people just can't appreciate having 3D models that allow an artists selected art style (in this case, Ikeno paying homage to Bengus and Akiman) to show through and would prefer everything to be "photo realistic."