How would you want the DOA gacha game to handle the content?


New Member
If a DOA gacha game were to be able to expand this many content via costumes, ranks, characters, stories, cutscenes, challenges, and multiplayer, how would you want it to be handled so that it will be enough to anticipate and satisfy players that they thought was missing in previous DOA games and possibly be excited for future DOA content.

It may be possible that DOA gacha games may have nothing to do with the current DOA games, be set in a parallel universe, and may not last long, at least we can see the light at the end of the tunnel that DOA isn’t done for yet.


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DOA the fighting game with gacha elements? If you mean that, I don’t think it would hurt as long as the gameplay isn’t compromised.

At this point it would be easy to compromise with me as a player. The very best situation would be to give me DOA7 or a DOA Collection and at my worst I would take a plea bargain for an all female fighter.

Why not add the option to collect an in game currency to gamble with for new regularly released outfits. Players receiving an allowance based off multiplayer games played or even single player material.

It would add player incentive; especially for casuals who need these types of incentives to keep playing.

I’m sure there would be paid only outfits as well, but it doesn’t have to define the quality. There are plenty of DOAXVV paid only outfits that don’t look as good as the regular gacha. It could all boil down to preference. Most developers create paid only outfits to look much, much better than regular ones and Team NINJA doesn’t do this with DOAXVV IMO.