Community DoA Online Open Beta Interview with Kazuhiro Kurihara 栗原一啓 Translation (July, 1, 2009)


New Member
Hi this was gonna be just a yt comment for Khanage's video about DoA Online but it's gotten so long that yt flagged my comment as spam so I decided I'll write this here instead.

In 2009 July 1st, DoA Online (生死格鬥online) began open beta test in Taiwan, on the same day, Tecmo held a press conference in Taiwan. Kazuhiro Kurihara (栗原一啓), the developer and Tecmo's multidevisional online developement manager at that time, was interviewed by a journalist from 巴哈姆特(Bahamut or, one of the biggest Taiwanese gaming news website/forum, during the interview he stated that when they were turning DoA into an online game, they were also considering the importance of players' social communication, so to strengthen that part of the game, the most practical way is to add the Avatar mode, letting players interact with each other. They hope that players in DoA Online can experience the same enjoyment of playing an arcade cabinet together.

He then stated the game was planned to have a 5v5 Team Battle mode and a Massive Team Battle mode where 100 players will be fighting against 1 NPC boss, and that boss will be a character from the DOA series. They plan to distribute the rewards for defeating the boss in a ranking system, but they haven't decide on the contents of those rewards yet.

When questioned about LAG issue, Kazuhiro stated "Considering that LAG is more likely to occur when connecting to the Client server, "DoA Online" was developed in a peer-to-peer manner to allow players to connect directly, thus reducing any likelihood of LAG. And when we tested connecting from Japan to Taiwan, we found there is no delay, so I believe there's no issue with our technology."

Also when the CBT began, they found out that a lot of Taiwanese players have zero experiences in playing fighting games or DoA games, so they want to provide special care for the newbies. And 95% players in China are all male, and they like playing ranked matches more.

Btw at around 3:50(I mean Khanage's video), the names of those cosplayers actually aren't the ones on the title of Bahamut's video, in fact, in that press conference they invited the actresses of the live action trailer showcased in Khanage's video, and they were played by Wu Yilin(吳以林 as Kasumi) and Liu Xunai (劉薰愛 as Ayane)! 蔡淑臻 and 陳思璇 were the other two girls holding mic in that press conference.


Anyways I remember playing this game when I was a wee little kid but my pc was so shitty back then which caused the game to lag so hard, it was so bad that I uninstalled the game. I was so sad this game ended service just a year later, now I can only imagine how successful this game would be if no one pulled the plug that quickly.
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