
  1. DestructionBomb

    DOA Exposure

    Curious and probably a weird topic I guess, but am I one of the few that feels the FGC lacks more reaction videos? not talking about the ones where people would react to some new fighting game trailer or a DLC character/stage for the clicks. Mostly talking about community work in findings...
  2. VirtuaKazama

    DOA6 Team NINJA Continues Arcade Support

    Recently, Team Ninja made an announcement that Dead or Alive 6 will be getting an arcade release next year in Japan! While details are scarce about the release date, it is currently known that the game will be running under SEGA All.Net P-Ras MULTI Version 3 for digital distribution. However...
  3. The Spine

    Community Flawed Mindset in the FGC

    I've been a part of the FGC for a little over four years. I've played various games competitively. I've been to tournaments and have witnessed high-level play. Over these four years, I've met a lot of people and quite a few of these people have a bit of a skewed mindset when it comes to fighting...