Search results

  1. Smiley

    DOA5U The 2014 Miss. and Mr. DoA Universe Contest

    Female: 1. Ayane 2. Leifang 3. Hitomi 4. Kasumi 5. Pai 6. Kokoro 7. Christie 8. Helena 9. Tina 10. Mila 11. Sarah 12. Momiji 13. Rachel 14. Lisa 15. Marie Rose 16. Alpha-152 Male: 1. Rig 2. Jann Lee 3. Ein>Hayate 4. Eliot 5. Bayman 6. Leon 7. Gen Fu 8. Brad Wong 9. Akira 10. Bass 11. Hayabusa...
  2. Smiley

    New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.

    Brute Hey! Thanks for the welcome. I will add you. Nameless Sama I am a 20 years old and go to college to study medicine as well! :D Best DOA friendz 5ever now? :B Also, since I am going to college, I won't be on very often until the quarter is over.
  3. Smiley

    New to FSD? Introduce yourself here.

    Helloooo beautiful people of FSD! I have been in love with the DOA series since playing DOA2 on my Dreamcast. I have owned and played 2, 3, and 5. Unfortunately I do not have a Xbox 360 (hence the fact I did not play DOA 4). Despite being in love with this series, I have never felt the urge to...