Finnaly finished Sekiro! took 70 hours and a jabillion deaths but it's done! although I'm pretty sure i got the sad ending :/ whelp, time to do it all over again
Saw the kitana trailer, kinda underwhelmed air fan still has a vertical recovery so r.i.p IAF, square boost still sux, and comboing into DB2 still seems to be her main combo route into damage
FINALLY! I've figured out why nyo's hiten no mai 2k into 2t is so inconsistent, it only works if the opponent is -14 while they're on the ground and nyo is above a minimum height when 2k hits, cause the plus frames off 2k vary depending on what time you hit the airborne opponent
NRS be like "Blood! Gore! Violence! Everything must be crazy and over the top! but our females must be respectfully dressed because its 2019 and we don't tolerate that kind of self indulgence here buddy"
Playing honoka in doa6 feels like playing Jam in guilty gear. They have 0 range but have damage, speed, and bazillion ways to open you up, however the second she knocks you down, the threat is over cuz their oki is nonexistent :/