viol tentacule Jul 28, 2017 Looking for a practice partners for summer jam would someone like to lend the time and skill to help me get good?
Looking for a practice partners for summer jam would someone like to lend the time and skill to help me get good?
viol tentacule Jul 11, 2016 Mila like milliliters and bass like base. Ive never been so triggered by mispronounced names.At least max not playing doax3. 7/11
Mila like milliliters and bass like base. Ive never been so triggered by mispronounced names.At least max not playing doax3. 7/11
viol tentacule Mar 1, 2016 On controler if I flick stick left (4) it imputs right (6) (vice versa) and if I flick down (2) it imputs up (8) any way to prevent/fix?
On controler if I flick stick left (4) it imputs right (6) (vice versa) and if I flick down (2) it imputs up (8) any way to prevent/fix?
viol tentacule Jun 28, 2015 I need help with skills my friends keep beating me saying they know my problems but won't tell cuz they think I won't understand or listen .
I need help with skills my friends keep beating me saying they know my problems but won't tell cuz they think I won't understand or listen .
viol tentacule May 9, 2015 Anyone got tips for improving on characters I feel stuck in a rut. ps I use kokoro p4 and lisa.