Eks Jul 19, 2014 Ohh Happy Belated Birthday Gurim! and Izuna Drop everything! lol http://youtu.be/5iighNqF0xs
JKT Jul 19, 2014 Ah I didn't say happy birthday >_<! Happy Birthday! Here's my gift to you: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7134895360/h355846C7/
Ah I didn't say happy birthday >_<! Happy Birthday! Here's my gift to you: https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7134895360/h355846C7/
Zanistor Jul 14, 2014 Is there any ways to get out of BT safely, or at least somewhat (with Jann Lee)? MR and Ayane give me a lot of trouble with their kidney-punch combos.
Is there any ways to get out of BT safely, or at least somewhat (with Jann Lee)? MR and Ayane give me a lot of trouble with their kidney-punch combos.
JKT Jul 13, 2014 I did Jann Lee's combo challenges! So far I'm having trouble with 66T followed by 6H+K >_<. Is there some sort of trick to performing this?
I did Jann Lee's combo challenges! So far I'm having trouble with 66T followed by 6H+K >_<. Is there some sort of trick to performing this?
JKT Jul 10, 2014 I was thinking of picking up Jann Lee to mix things up a bit . Can you tell me his general playstyle/ strengths and weaknesses?
I was thinking of picking up Jann Lee to mix things up a bit . Can you tell me his general playstyle/ strengths and weaknesses?
Gurimmjaw Jul 4, 2014 I dont know why I cant use Hayate. Im trying but something wrong. I dont even know what to mix up with
I dont know why I cant use Hayate. Im trying but something wrong. I dont even know what to mix up with
ToiletMangoes Jul 4, 2014 What's up man? Your using Hayate now? He seems like your type of character.
Gurimmjaw Jun 30, 2014 Played against a few Phase-4 players with Hayate....6T was the only button required.