[DOA6] Awesmic vs. Autoaim (Steam Online Casuals, Part 1)

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Oct 25, 2021 at 3:56 PM
Posted by Awesmic
Recorded on 10/10/2021. Part 1 of 2.

To give some context to the video cover, Autoaim is a longtime friend of mine I met in the DOA community (and one of the best friends I made there) since the early years of DOA4, and we had a lot of fun times together back then. Though I haven't seen him around much throughout the span of DOA5's cycle, seeing him back in DOA6 brings a tear to my eye, and with a new main to boot, Tamaki.

This isn't the first time we fought in DOA6, but these are the first vids I managed to record of our matches. He's becoming gradually better with Tamaki, and his defense is as annoying as ever. Though as long as he's been playing Spartan-458 in DOA4, I should've expected this in his playstyle.

He's also starting his own Twitch channel where he hopes to stream a variety of games he plays both casually and competitively, DOA6 among them. Send him your support if you can.

Autoaim's Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/autoaim93

#deadoralive6 #autoaim #awesmic
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