It's a shame, I was very excited for this game from the time it was announced and kept checking back here to see how the developers were going to respond to fans and right this. This game could have been so much better. Poor direction and decision making the entire time killed it.
I've narrowed what games I genrally purchase because I feel there are so many games these days, unless developers are really striving to create art, or at least create something memorable and lasting, then my time and money is probably better spent elsewhere. Here, I ignored my own guideline and bough DOA6 out of name recognition. I should have waited, and I'm not going to make that mistake again with this company. I've been disappointed a great deal of the time because I never got the feeling like the developers took any pride in their work at all with this one; it seems like they never asked "how can I make this game amazing?" or "what to the fans really want to see?" Instead, everything they put out stunk of the question "how can I make money by putting out the least amount of effort?"