side eyeing the TN artists and modelers right now. how do professionals mess up/overlook something this simple?
The funny and also sad part is, when they forgot the navels in the first place they actually listened when we complained and added them. But their fix was simply awful. A tiny dot of the wrong size, wrong shape and wrong location. It's like they asked the intern to quickly scribble it on at the last second.
Right now hardly anyone notices and/or cares, I've still got zero retweets as I type this, but wait till the game is out and everyone will see their husbando's anatomy all messed up in those supposedly sexy and revealing costumes. With the jacket on it's not that apparent, but wait till people fully see the weirdly elongated upper bodies with either no navels or weirdly shaped and placed navels, then the drama will be big, but probably to late.
I for one will boycott any DLC that shows messed up upper bodies like this.